Wednesday, February 28, 2018

How Much Can One Viral Video Be Worth to Your Dental Practice? You’ll Be Shocked

When you’re working on a fun video to post to your dental practice’s Facebook page, your team might stop and ask “Wait, how again is this going to help us grow the practice?” Here are some real, tangible ways it will!

It’s fine to admit it: sometimes it’s hard to explain to your coworkers or your practice’s dentist exactly how posting a lip-sync video or team member interview will bring in new patients or boost retention. If you work with people who don’t already have that deep-rooted understanding of the value of social media, it can be difficult to get them to participate in anything even slightly out of the ordinary.

However, you’ve still got some rock-solid reasons you can bring up when talking about why your dental practice should get into creating social video. And these reasons have been wonderfully illustrated recently by our good friends and clients at Patricia A. London, DDS, who recently had one of their videos get 40 MILLION views and worldwide coverage!

They got the idea for the video from the annual Dental Digital Marketing Conference, which is coming up this April in Las Vegas! Learn more and register here!

Let’s break down a few of the ways their video contributed to their practice growth in substantial, measurable ways.

1. A Viral Video is Worth Thousands of Dollars in Equivalent Ad Reach

A key concept in online advertising is the cost per thousand, often abbreviated as CPM (the “M” represents the Roman numeral for 1000). CPM is a term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one page. For example, if a website publisher charges $2.00 CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 people to whom the ad is displayed.

Researchers tracking the cost of advertising of various sites have estimated that the CPM on Facebook was around $11.17 for 2017. So, in the case of Patricia A. London’s video that reached around 40 million people, an ad would need approximately $446,800 to be seen by a similar size audience through paid reach!

2. Engaging Videos Give You Top of Mind Awareness With Current and Potential Patients

A fun, shareable video from your practice can put your name and team in front of hundreds of thousands of people, including your current patients and ideal potential patients in your community. Video content is especially effective at helping people get to know you personally — and people like to do business with people they know.

Plus, creating short, simple videos with your team is just fun! It’s a great way to strengthen unity and practice culture.

3. High-Quality Video Content Creates Additional Opportunities to Reach More People

News media and other outlets are constantly monitoring social media for viral content they can feature — especially videos. Many of our clients’ video posts have been picked up by local news, dental blogs, and in the case of Patricia A. London, DDS, even Steve Harvey!

One of the most powerful elements of viral videos is that they continue to circulate and recirculate online, often for weeks. Unlike traditional mass advertising, viral videos gain momentum as they are shared by people within their trusted social networks. And when patients share your content with family and friends, they introduce your practice to the people most likely to become new patients.

Spark Your Practice’s Social Media Success Through a Viral Video

Everyone wants to go viral, but how? At the Dental Digital Marketing Conference this April in Las Vegas, you can learn how to leverage what makes YOUR practice unique and create engaging, shareable social media content that has higher chances of going viral. Register today by following the link below!

Register now for the Dental Digital Marketing Conference!

The post How Much Can One Viral Video Be Worth to Your Dental Practice? You’ll Be Shocked appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Rescue a Peri-Implantitis of the fractured implant via Flap/detoxification/bone graft/CT graft


Coronally positioned flap

defect debridement

Tetracycline detoxification

Air polishing

Removal of a fractured fragment

Fractured fragment

Bone graft

CT graft

Coronally positioned sutures

postSx 1 wk

postSx 2 wks

PostSx 4 wks

Rotated flap via Microsurgery kit for 2nd Sx implant exposure

Friday, February 2, 2018

EVERY Dentist Needs a Simple Practice Reviews Strategy — Here’s Why

Online reviews are taking an even more prominent role in how new patients find your dental practice. Survey results show that reviews must be recent and positive for consumers to respond — and you can obtain them with these simple practice reviews tips!

The SEO experts at BrightLocal recently published their Local Consumer Review Survey, shedding more light on how online reviews affect the growth of small businesses. Since 2010, this survey has tracked the dramatic rise of the influence of online reviews on a company’s visibility and credibility.

There are a few new statistics in the study that we think are of particular interest for dental practices working to build their online presence and acquire new patients:

  • 97% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses
  • 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
  • Nearly 7 out of 10 consumers will write a review of a local business if asked

What does this mean for your practice’s digital marketing efforts? Now more than ever, your dental practice needs recent, positive reviews — and a simple practice reviews plan to obtain them. But also, the majority of your patients would be willing to write you a review if asked in the right way.

Take a moment to evaluate your practice’s current online reviews presence. Do you maintain full and complete Google, Facebook and Healthgrades business profiles? Was your most recent review on each service posted within the last three months? Are you setting team goals to obtain reviews from patients while they are still in the practice?

Whether you already have a strong base of reviews or none at all, a constant supply of substantial, positive reviews will help you stand out in local search results and attract new patients.


Here are 3 simple practice reviews strategies you can use to build your online presence and gain potential patients’ trust:

1. Make It Easy for People to Read and Write Reviews Where They Want

BrightLocal’s survey found that people researching local businesses are likely to use more than one online reviews service in their decision-making process. Start by creating profiles on the three most prominent online reviews services: Google My Business, Facebook and Healthgrades. Add your profile picture, address, hours, and other information that will make it easy for a patient to find you and leave a review, or for a potential patient to learn more and contact you.

2. Focus on the Patients Most Likely to Give You a Great Review

One of the quickest ways to burn out in your reviews effort is to tell your team “OK everyone, we need to get out there today and ask for lots of reviews!”

Instead, set your team up for success by pulling up the day’s schedule and reviewing who is coming in. Identify one or two of your patients who love your practice and you suspect would be happy to leave you a review. Make specific assignments on which team member will ask them for a review and have them report back on how it went.

3. Just Ask — and Be Transparent

You know how crucial honest feedback and reviews are for building your practice. Let patients know how much you rely on reviews to improve your service and find more great patients like them. Remember, if you’re not asking for reviews, chances are you’ll only get one when a patient is unhappy!


Building a Comprehensive, Simple Practice Reviews Strategy

These guidelines are just the tip of the iceberg. As more and more people turn to online reviews when deciding between local businesses (over 90 percent according to the survey), you need a simple practice reviews strategy to obtain more positive reviews and get them seen by the people most likely to become new patients.

My Social Practice can help! MSP Reviews makes it easy to get reviews from patients while they are still in your practice. Learn more by downloading our free reviews ebook below, and contact us for a free demo of MSP Reviews today!

  Download the Dental Reviews Guide

The post EVERY Dentist Needs a Simple Practice Reviews Strategy — Here’s Why appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.