Monday, April 23, 2018

These Dentists’ Social Media Pages Are Growing Their Practices — Here’s How

A vibrant, active online presence isn’t just the “cherry on top” of your dental practice marketing. See how these dentists’ social media pages are growing their practices in tangible, significant ways.

As you work to get your entire dental team participating and involved in your practice’s digital marketing, there may be questions about how exactly a dentist’s social media contributes to real growth.

These days, a strong online presence is vital to growing a business. Consumers, and your perspective new patients, are becoming smarter and much more savvy. They do their own research and they’re much less likely to trust traditional mass advertising messages, including those things that you’re publishing on your website.

And when making a decision as important as choosing a dentist, they also get input from their own trusted friends, family and other local residents through social media and through reviews.

How Dentist Social Media Grows Practices

Check out how these My Social Practice clients are using social media to reach ideal new patients, retain the patients they have, gather valuable reviews and build their practice’s reputation!

Patricia A. London, DDS

Our good friends and clients at the practice of Patricia A. London, DDS, recently had one of their videos go viral, earning 40 million views and thousands of dollars in equivalent paid reach and top-of-mind awareness!

Hulsey Dentistry
“When our current patients share our posts and videos we see a boost in the scheduling of new patient appointments. Because we try to share our heart in all of our posts, non-patients are able to see our office personality and gain insight into what to expect when they come in to see us.

“Our patients tell us that they love our goofy videos and personal photos of our family or special occasions at the office. They also get really excited when we announce a new social media giveaway.”
—Jennifer Sexton, Patient Care Coordinator

Tulsa Braces

“We just wrapped up our first ‘Snap a Selfie’ campaign and it was a HUGE hit! When our patients check in to our practice and take a photo with our staff, it lets their Facebook friends know where they are, who they trust, and who we are. They can easily get our practice information so they can call and schedule a consultation themselves!”
—Carly Morrisett, Marketing Manager

Simpson Orthodontics
“We get the most connections with patients and parents through Facebook, and it’s generated a lot of positive buzz in the community. The more our name is out there, the more familiar and comfortable people have been with coming into our office.

“Patients love all the new contests and campaigns we do, and the fun atmosphere it creates in our office. Patients and parents both love snapping photos with us and sharing them on social media. They think it’s cool to be the star of our practice for the day.”
—Dr. Richard Simpson

Payson Premier Dental
“Team members are frequently stopped in public places by patients and non-patients to tell us how much they love our posts and funny videos! We’ve become quite renowned in our small town and beyond. Social media has helped us establish our brand as a fun, caring family. Our patients love that we are active on social media, and frequently comment about how much fun we seem to be having.”
—Sarah Hubbard, Media Coordinator

Dietrich Orthodontics
“Our name is spreading and people are seeing the human side of our practice. We are getting more and more people who found us on social media. Their friends are tagging our page in recommendations. MSP Reviews is hands down our favorite. It has made asking for and getting patient reviews a piece of cake. It was an area we were struggling in, and this has transformed our reviews pages.”
—Courtney Dietrich, Business Manager

As a Dentist, Social Media Is Essential

Making it fun and easy for patients to share about your practice on social media is one of the best ways to create advocates your practice. When their friends and family members see what a great experience they had with you, it’s a powerful word-of-mouth recommendation that’s more effective than any ad you could create alone.

We at My Social Practice have spent years honing our dental marketing tools to make sharing about your practice as easy and intuitive as possible for both patients and team members. Find out more about our practice campaigns, Photo Booth App and MSP Reviews service by requesting a free demo!

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The post These Dentists’ Social Media Pages Are Growing Their Practices — Here’s How appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Too Busy for Online Dental Marketing? These Crucial Tasks Are Fast and Easy

As a dental professional, your time and resources are limited. We understand! But in order for your practice to continue to grow, it’s vital that you incorporate a strong online presence into your dental marketing mix. It’s easier than you think!

If you don’t have a lot of time for online dental marketing (and you probably don’t), you’ve got to focus first on doing the things that will help you make the best impression with the greatest number of patients and ideal potential patients. And right now, the best choices are crystal-clear: build your practice’s Facebook presence and gather positive patient reviews.

Did you know over 80 percent of online adults have a Facebook account? This includes 75 percent of family decision makers, who regularly use Facebook to get recommendations from their friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors. Also, over 90 percent of consumers use online reviews, especially Google reviews, to research local businesses. There’s no doubt that reviews dramatically affect your practice’s online visibility among your competitors, and ultimately, who prospective patients decide to call.

If you have time for nothing else, these two things are what you should be focusing on in your dental marketing efforts. Here’s how you can approach each with the time and resources you have.

Complete These Daily Facebook Tasks in 15 Minutes

1. Post something daily

Your Facebook page needs fresh new content on a consistent basis to appear welcoming, relevant, and able to give prospective patients a sense of your practice culture.

Since creating engaging content is so crucial to building your social media presence, we highly recommend you read our free ebook dedicated to helping you know what to post.

2. Respond to Facebook messages, comments, and visitor posts

Responsiveness is key to building trust and relationships on social media. Turn on notifications so you know immediately when a patient or fan says something on your Facebook page. When prospective patients see that you take the time follow up on everything your patients and fans say, it tells them how much you care about providing a great experience.

Just leaving quick replies such as “We appreciate your feedback!” or “Thanks for coming in today!” shows that you’re listening — a vital part of effective dental marketing.

3. In your practice, encourage patients and visitors to Like your Facebook page

Growing your Facebook presence isn’t just about what you do online, it’s supported by what you and your team do in your office every day. Mention what your practice is doing on social media to every patient you see and encourage them to Like your page.

Don’t assume that any of your patients wouldn’t be interested; remember that over 80 percent of online adults are Facebook users.

4. Browse trending topics and hashtags to catch up on current events

The trending topics in the upper right corner of your Facebook news feed are excellent tools for helping you instantly know what’s going on in the world. Why does staying current matter in your social media marketing efforts? Because anything you post on your practice’s page related to a hot topic has a better chance of being seen and shared — especially if you can link it to dentistry or oral care.

My Social Practice clients have access to the world’s largest library of dental-themed social media content to make daily posting a snap! Learn more and get a demo of our Publisher app here.

Complete These Daily Online Reviews Tasks in 5 Minutes

1. Check your Google, Facebook and Healthgrades profiles for new reviews

A steady flow of positive patient reviews is a cornerstone of dental marketing. Reply with comments thanking patients for positive reviews, and invite those with complaints to contact you. Learn more about how to effectively handle negative reviews in our blog post.

2. In your practice, invite one or two patients a day to write a review from their phone

Important note: Make sure that patients do not write reviews while on the practice wifi network. Google and other sites will notice multiple reviews coming from the same IP address, which could invalidate the reviews.

MSP Reviews is the easiest way to gather Google reviews from patients right there in your practice. No more asking for reviews and hoping patients write one after they return to their busy lives! Get a free demo here!

Make Dental Marketing Work on Your Schedule

Although we’ve only covered the essentials of a good dental marketing plan, it can still feel overwhelming if you try to do it all at once. Start with Facebook, and as you become comfortable and consistent using it, gradually add in the other high-priority tasks.

Remember, social media dental marketing isn’t something you have, it’s something you do, and it takes a small daily effort to be effective. Set aside just a few minutes a day for it, and you’ll quickly see how building your practice’s online presence helps you retain patients, build relationships and attract ideal new patient.

FREE EBOOK: Build Your Dental Digital Marketing in Minutes a Day!

The post Too Busy for Online Dental Marketing? These Crucial Tasks Are Fast and Easy appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.