Monday, October 1, 2018

Our September Practice of the Month — Adventure Dental!

Congratulations to our September Practice of the Month — Adventure Dental!

Getting over the initial doubts about becoming a social practice is a part of the process nearly all our clients face. Sharing your team culture online, involving your patients in social media, and asking for reviews all take you out of your comfort zone. But check out Adventure Dental and you’ll see why it’s worth it!

The team at Adventure Dental maintains a fun and well-rounded online presence: they post valuable content to their social media pages regularly, run great practice campaigns, have prize giveaways and include their patients whenever they can. They also really impressed us with their patient reviews! With over 400 favorable reviews across Google and Facebook, Adventure Dental has elevated their profile as the premier pediatric dental practice in their community — and parents are noticing.

We reached out to Jenny Moses, marketing specialist at Adventure Dental, for some insight on how social media is growing their practice and what’s been working for them. Take something from what their team has learned to apply in your own social media strategy!

Q&A With Jenny Moses, Marketing Specialist

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

“The biggest a-ha moment is how easy it can be. I think it is so easy to over complicate things. For example we had one of our doctors participate in the ‘In My Feelings’ challenge. We did it in one take without any practicing and the patients loved it. It was our highest watched video. Many times it does not take hours of planning to have an engaging post, just some creativity and willing participants.”

What are the most significant ways social media marketing has benefited your practice and patients?

It connects us to our patients. For example, we have a summer contest, ‘Don’t be BORED, get on BOARD.’ We had our patients send us pictures and post pictures on our social media profiles how they were not BORED this summer. We were able to see what our patients were doing this summer and comment on their posts.”

“In turn, they get to know us and what we are all about. Our mission is: Big kids taking care of little kids — one tooth, one smile, one family at a time. We want our patients and their families to know how much we love what we do at the office. Social media is how we can capture that.”

What do you do IN THE PRACTICE to maintain a strong online presence?

It is definitely a team effort. We encourage our team members to capture the moments! We also like to reward our team members at random times with a gift card for them sharing, commenting or tagging us on their own personal social media accounts.”

What has been the biggest challenge of social media marketing for you?

“The hardest part of social media is trying to choose what content to share because we have so much going on in the office. My Social Practice has so many engagement ideas and we are able to tweak their ideas to fit the needs of our office.”

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


What advice would you give to a practice starting to build their online presence?

Do not get intimidated. You can do it. Create a social media calendar to keep you organized and try new things. It always great to try different apps to help improve your posts and to change it up. And keep consistent!”

The team supported the cause during Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Thanks to Jenny for sharing with all of us! We’re proud to have this awesome team as one of our valued clients!

Social media marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. As social platforms continue to evolve, using them effectively is less about technical know-how and SEO tricks and more about simply creating engaging, shareable content that sparks interaction.

So even if you have little or no social media experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

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