Friday, November 30, 2018

How an Endodontic Practice Found Success With Social Media Dental Marketing

Congratulations to our November Practice of the Month — Advanced Endodontics!

Prospective dental patients are becoming smarter and much more savvy. They do their own research and they’re much less likely to trust traditional mass advertising messages, including those things that you’re publishing on your website. And when making a decision as important as choosing a dentist, or even an endodontist (as shown by an uptick in self-referrals), they get input from trusted friends, family and other local residents through social media and reviews.

As an endodontist, you probably don’t do much advertising and your practice is not as well known as general dental offices that serve hundreds of patients per week. Because of this, your options to build your local reputation online are narrower than those of your colleagues. However, having stellar review scores on Facebook, Google and Healthgrades is still one way you can stand out to prospective patients and referring dentists as your community’s premier endodontic care provider.

We reached out to Saamiya Pirbhai, marketing manager for Advanced Endodontics, about what they’ve learned from their experience with social media dental marketing, and what’s been most effective for them. Take the opportunity to apply something in your own practice!

Q&A With Marketing Manager Saamiya Pirbhai

Responses edited for length and clarity.

Since you started using social media in your practice, what has been the biggest surprise?

“The amount of traffic we’ve been attracting into our office has been impeccable!”

Among the things social media strategies you’ve tried, what have you seen the most success with?

“Internet challenges — be it the “In My Feelings Challenge” or the “Baby Shark Challenge,” we’ve found that creating a more personable experience through videos like these have not only proved our warmth as a practice to the public, but has brought our team members together as well.”

In your opinion, what is the #1 benefit to patients of your social media marketing efforts thus far?

“They find themselves in a zone of comfort. They realize that though they are coming in for a dental treatment, we too as team members have an enjoyable office life. They see that we care about one another and we care about our patients and their wellbeing.”

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In your opinion, what is the #1 benefit to your practice of your social media marketing efforts thus far?

“The positive vibe of all three of our offices has increased tremendously. We’ve witnessed the shyest team members getting involved within the company. And of course, showcasing our practice out there on social media has helped increase revenue for our office, which is always a good thing.”

What do you and your team do in the office to move forward your social media efforts?

“We host monthly meetings to track our progress, delegate tasks for the month to come, and plan out events and marketing strategies to assist our office and our doctors in networking. We participate in popular social media trends, to create excitement for the team and increase social media interaction. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, achievements, and more for our team members and publicize their importance on our social media networks.”

What advice would you give to a practice just starting out on social media?

“Don’t give up, keep moving forward and educating yourself more and more on new trends, new developments, and new movements. It’s worth it! Try it out and be open to new ideas. If you get pushback from your team and patients, find a different social media approach that will pull them into your circle. It’s a really fun game, trust me!”

Among the things My Social Practice provides, what item(s) or service(s) have been the most help to you?

“Brianna from My Social Practice has provided amazing feedback. She assisted me when I first joined the team and has called to check up on how we’re doing ever since. It’s nice knowing that there is a support available to us at any moment.”

Thanks, Saamiya! We’ll be sure to pass along your feedback to Brianna! We know social media can be difficult—especially for those who are a little less computer-savvy—so our support team always goes the extra mile to make sure clients are taken care of!

So even if you have little or no digital marketing experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

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