Thursday, November 14, 2019

5 Dental Practices That Absolutely Rocked Halloween on Social Media!

What makes Halloween so great for dental practices? It’s the perfect opportunity to show off your creativity, have fun with your team, and create memories with your patients that they’ll remember fondly for years! As part of our annual Halloween celebration, My Social Practice has held our Dental Team Costume Contest for the past several years, giving some truly remarkable dental teams a chance to shine.

Let’s take a look back at some of this year’s best entries, and discover why creating a great Halloween post isn’t just all about fun, but actually helps attract and retain patients.

1. Legacy Pediatric Dentistry

Legacy Pediatric Dentistry proved that “you’ve never had a dental office like us” with their jaw-dropping Aladdin costumes! They racked up a lot of engagement, which is great for their visibility and making sure fans see more of their posts in the future.

2. Bright Inspired Dentistry

The social media all-stars at Bright Inspired Dentistry went all out for this pirate-themed team costume, complete with amazing scenery! In the comments of the post, patients and fans talked about how much they love seeing posts from the practice and sharing them with friends. They’re turning patients who love them into their best advocates through social media!

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3. MH Dentistry: Marc Heiden, DMD

A dental team with candy-themed costumes? Sure, why not? The team at MH Dentistry: Marc Heiden, DMD earned a TON of engagement with this great team photo, especially comments and shares, which Facebook weighs most heavily when determining the reach of a post.

4. Thomasville Pediatric Dentistry
Patients know they’ve got a friend in Thomasville Pediatric Dentistry, who stunned with their Toy Story outfits! You can tell that they’re a team that likes to have fun, and seeing how much they enjoy their jobs helps build trust with potential patients!

5. Dickson Dental
Finally, we’ll highlight our Dental Team Costume Contest winner, Dickson Dental, who blew us away with these trophy costumes! Amazing things happen when you’re not afraid to showcase your team culture on social media!

Great Social Media Builds Relationships

These practices put in the effort for excellent costumes and a lot of people saw their posts, but visibility for visibility’s sake is not enough to build trust in your business. You need to give people a look into your practice culture and what patients can expect in your office.

And what do these photos say about these practices? They says that these are places where the team and patients are happy, comfortable and having fun. And in the minds of prospective patients who see it, those good feelings are transferred to their beliefs about the practice as a whole.

“If the team enjoys working together this much, then they must provide a great patient experience,” they think.

Your practice’s social media presence alone can be enough to convince ideal potential patients to call for an appointment, switch care providers, or recommend you to family and friends. Regularly post content that is personal, fun, and showcases what makes your practice and team special. This not only builds relationships, it also has a higher chance of being shared—just like these Halloween posts.

My Social Practice provides all the training, tools, and content to help you create content that will build relationships and grow your practice! Request a demo and one of our friendly social media experts will show you step-by-step how we make it incredibly simple. Let’s find your practice’s perfect social media solution!

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Friday, November 8, 2019

Our October Practice of the Month — Columbus Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants

Congratulations to our October Practice of the Month — Columbus Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants!

If you’re looking for an example of how to build patient relationships through remarkable social media, look no further than the team at Columbus Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants! Patients love the excellent experience they have in the practice, and through social media, that experience is continued until their next visit.

The team at Columbus Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants knows how to keep their social media feed fresh and interesting with a variety of content. Whether it’s a fun team photo, a prize giveaway, or a charitable cause, they always have something engaging and relevant for patients and fans to interact with. They say one of the biggest benefits social media is it allows them to show potential patients their fun and caring practice culture!

We reached out to Michelle Gault, office ambassador of the practice, for some insight on how social media is growing their business and what’s been working for them. Take something from what their team has learned to apply in your own social media strategy!

Q&A With Michelle Gault, Office Ambassador

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

In the beginning, our team was reluctant to participate in some of the photos and videos. After seeing the impact our personal posts have on our patients, our team has surprisingly grown more comfortable with participating. They feel good about the posts and know that without them our patients would still be reluctant to visit the practice.

Which of your team’s social media efforts have shown to be most effective?

We feel that posts containing a video paired with a giveaway have been the most successful. Our patients enjoy seeing the other side of our practice and really get involved when we have something to offer for their participation.

What has been the biggest benefit to your practice and patients since you started using social media?

“Our patient relationships have changed tremendously since utilizing social media. Everyone can now see firsthand how we care about them wholeheartedly. Patients generally do not like to visit dental offices, including ours, and our presence on social media has changed the way patients feel about us before they even meet us. They feel like part of the team before setting foot in the door.

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


What kind of feedback have you gotten from patients about your social media?

We were unsure if our patients actually took the time to look at and engage with our posts. After taking a bit of a break from posting, several of our patients asked why they hadn’t seen any recent photos and videos from us. This made us realize that they really do see us and want to engage with our practice.

Thank you for sharing, Michelle! Your team really understands how social media grows dental practices, and we’ve loved watching your online presence grow!

At its core, dental social media marketing is about growing practices through increasing your reach, enhancing your local reputation, and building relationships with patients and potential patients. My Social Practice has remained laser-focused on these key objectives for over a decade as we’ve built the perfect dental social media solution.

Even if you have no social media experience and no time to learn, My Social Practice’s fully-managed solution does all the heavy lifting for you—growing your practice while you focus on serving your patients.

Learn more and request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how we can make your practice shine online!

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The post Our October Practice of the Month — Columbus Center for Periodontics & Dental Implants appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.