Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Build Your Local Reputation With a Giveaway Collaboration

Want increased local awareness and word-of-mouth marketing for your dental practice? Doing a social media giveaway collaboration with a local business will help you reach more of the people most likely to become your next patients. Discover how easy and effective it is!

Here’s an idea you may have never thought of in your dental practice: Partner up with another local business to do a social media giveaway! It’s an excellent way to build community relationships and awareness of your practice.

After all, the other businesses around you serve the same local client base you do, and eventually, their customers will be looking for a new dentist. By doing a social media giveaway collaboration, you can be at the top of their minds when they need dental care!

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

  1. Scout out a local business with a good-sized social media following.
  2. Choose one of their goods or services your practice could sponsor for the giveaway prize.
  3. Reach out to the business and agree on posting and giveaway details.
  4. Both your practice and the other business create social media posts and run the giveaway!

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This is a great way to amplify the reach and influence of even a small-budget giveaway. Because the business you choose will also promote your giveaway and practice social media pages, you’ll get increased visibility for your practice with their audience as well. It’s a great way to build strong relationships within your community. Everybody wins!

Get creative and do social media giveaways with some of your favorite local gems, like a great spot for lunch or a gift shop. Chances are they’ve never been approached about doing a giveaway like this and would be excited for the opportunity!

Sound complicated? It’s easier than you think. Here’s a super simple way to do it.

Choose a Local Business for Your Collaboration

There are a few things to consider when choosing the business to partner with for your social media giveaway:

Choose a business that has a good-sized social media following within your target audience. For example, a pediatric dentist may want to reach out to popular places for children’s birthday parties—businesses that market specifically to parents of young children. Think about which businesses may have direct access to audiences you have never been able to reach.

Make sure that you’re comfortable having your practice’s name associated with the business. Doing giveaway collaborations with a business is essentially giving them an endorsement, so make sure that their product/service and reputation is something you’re happy with. Bonus points if it’s a product/service someone on your team actually uses, and they can create some enthusiastic posts about your giveaway!

Think about how the collaboration will benefit the business you choose. As a dental practice, which audiences can you reach that other businesses may want to reach as well? How will you promote the giveaway in a way that boosts their visibility? Remember to include these things when you reach out with your collaboration proposal.

Clearly Determine Partnership Details

When reaching out to businesses with your collaboration proposal, make sure to include a clear summary of what content will be created and how it will be published to promote the giveaway and the partner business. Specify the dates that the posts will be published, as well as start and end dates for the giveaway.

For example, you may propose that the business you choose and your practice will create five Facebook posts each promoting the giveaway. Specify which tags, links, and images or video will be included in each post. It would be beneficial to even create some mock-up posts showing exactly how they would appear.

For example, one of the Facebook or Instagram posts your partner business creates might say, “Downtown Dental is giving away one of our $50 gift cards! Check out their page to enter to win!” Then they would tag your practice and include a link to your giveaway post.

Create your own posts announcing the giveaway as well, and make sure to “@ mention” the other business’s page in return.

Optimize the Giveaway for Visibility

As part of your giveaway entry steps, you can ask people to leave a comment and “at mention” a friend. For example, “tag an awesome mom you know who would like to enter!” More comments and more people mentioned means more eyes on your posts!

It’s a simple way to expand your giveaway’s reach to your patients’ family and friends—the people most likely to become your next patients. It’s especially effective on Facebook!

For example, if you’re doing the giveaway featured in our New Year’s Dental Giveaway Kit (download link at the end of this post), here’s what we recommend you include in your announcement post:

Follow these three simple steps to enter to win!

  1. Like our Facebook page and this post.

  2. Comment on this post with your favorite 2019 movie.

  3. Mention a friend in your comment for an additional entry!

This is a great way to get your post seen by the your patients’ and fans’ friends and family—the people most likely to become your new patients.

Also, consider putting some money into promoting giveaway posts on Facebook and Instagram to reach as many people as possible.

Utilize Social Media Giveaways for Dental Practice Growth

Social media giveaway collaborations with local businesses grow your practice’s visibility in two key ways: boosting your reach to ideal potential patients and building relationships within your community. Plus, you might discover some local gems you never knew about!

And if you haven’t done a giveaway in your practice, we’ve made it easy to create one and see the results for yourself. Click the image below to download our free New Year’s Dental Giveaway Kit that will help you set one up in minutes. Try it this week and discover how giveaways grow your practice!

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


The post How to Build Your Local Reputation With a Giveaway Collaboration appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

3 Steps for Successful Dental Practice Giveaways


When marketing your dental practice, giveaways can be one of your greatest tools to gain top-of-mind awareness with the people most likely to become new patients. Follow these simple steps to maximize your reach with giveaways and grow your practice!

Want to build relationships with your dental patients and the people most likely to become new patients? Social media giveaways can be one of the best ways to make it happen! People love the chance to win a prize and with just a little planning, you can use small giveaways to effectively grow your dental office’s online presence.

Plus, as mentioned in the video, at the end of this post you’ll find our free Holiday Dental Giveaway Kit. Download it and you’ll get instructions and printable signs you can use to make setting up your own holiday giveaway a snap. Try it this week and see how easy it is to make giveaways a part of your dental marketing!

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


3 Essential Elements for a Giveaway That Grows Your Practice

First, make it easy—for yourself and your fans. Choose a small prize so you can do giveaways often without stressing your budget too much. It could even be a “dental supply kit” like a year’s worth of dental floss. For patients and fans, participating in your giveaway isn’t so much about the value of the prize. It’s about the chance to connect with you and have some fun (especially for young patients)!

Even a $10 gift card is enough to get people participating. And make it easy for patients and fans to enter. Asking people to like your page, like the post, and leave a comment to enter is easy enough, and it helps build your social media presence.

Second, Make it shareable. As part of your giveaway entry steps, you can ask people to leave a comment and “at mention” a friend. For example, “tag an awesome mom you know who would like to enter!”

It’s a simple way to expand your giveaway’s reach to your patients’ family and friends—the people most likely to become your next patients.

And third, make it known. Have your team members mention the giveaway to everyone they see in your office, and consider putting a little money into boosting the giveaway post so more people see it online.

Create Your Own Giveaway in Minutes With This Kit

Now it’s your turn to do a giveaway, and with these tools it couldn’t be easier! Read this blog post for some simple giveaway tips and guidelines, and download the Holiday Dental Giveaway Kit below. You’ll discover how easy it is to create a promotional dental giveaway in just a few minutes that attracts and retains patients!

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


The post 3 Steps for Successful Dental Practice Giveaways appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

3 Great Social Media Giveaway Ideas for Dental Offices


Small giveaways are a great icebreaker to help you attract and retain dental patients! Check out how practices used these giveaway ideas for dental offices to build some buzz on social media.

Here’s one thing that very few dentists are doing, but it’s one of the best ways to break the ice and get attention for your practice: social media giveaways. It’s not complicated—people love the chance to win a prize! And with a little planning, your patients and fans will be happy to participate and even introduce family and friends to your practice for a chance to win.

If you’re looking to reach more potential patients, retain existing patients, and enhance your dental practice’s local reputation, doing a giveaway is proven to be a great way to start. Even if you only have a small number of followers,  you can use small, frequent giveaways to grow your online presence and your practice.

Plus, as you saw in the video, at the end of this post you’ll see a link for our free Holiday Dental Giveaway Kit. Download it and you’ll get instructions and printable signs you can use to make setting up your own holiday giveaway a snap. Try it this week and see how easy it is to make giveaways a part of your dental marketing!

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


3 Giveaway Ideas for Dental Offices That Get Results

Favorite Emoji

The team at Hulsey Dentistry got a ton of interaction on this giveaway post by having patients and fans comment with their favorite emoji for a chance to win.

Try to spark conversation with your giveaway, because getting a lot of comments signals Facebook to give the post greater reach. Just asking a simple question about your patients’ and fans’ favorite things is an easy way to get people participating, especially when the topic appeals to young patients!

2 Truths and a Lie

Smile Spot Children’s Dentistry helped followers get to know their team with this trivia game giveaway. It was a huge hit and strengthened relationships. They listed three statements about this team member, two of which were true, and challenged fans to spot the lie for a chance to win!

Getting your team involved will make your giveaway more effective. Train your front desk team member to mention the giveaway to everyone that comes in. Including team members in all of your giveaway photos is also proven to boost engagement.

Win It Wednesday

MT West Dentist does a small giveaway every week. They call it “Win It Wednesday.” It keeps patients and fans coming back to their page and sharing their posts with family and friends.

Choose small prizes that allow you to do more giveaways more often. My Social Practice has helped thousands of dental offices run great giveaways, and we’ve found that even a $10 gift card is enough to catch attention and get people to participate.

When you have fun giveaways on  your page more often, it keeps you top-of-mind with patients and fans. Their regular participation will build your reach with the people most likely to become your new patients.

Create Your Own Giveaway in Minutes With This Kit

Now it’s your turn to do a giveaway, and with these tools it couldn’t be easier! Read this blog post for some simple giveaway tips and guidelines, and download the Holiday Dental Giveaway Kit below. You’ll discover how easy it is to create a giveaway in just a few minutes that attracts and retains patients!

The post 3 Great Social Media Giveaway Ideas for Dental Offices appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Our November Practice of the Month — Zammitti & Gidaly Orthodontics

Congratulations to our November Practice of the Month — Zammitti & Gidaly Orthodontics!

This month we’d like to spotlight an absolute social media powerhouse practice, Zammitti & Gidaly Orthodontics! They’re using social media dental marketing to reach new audiences, strengthen relationships with current patients, and stand out in their community.

They also impressed us with their phenomenal reviews presence, with over 350 positive patient reviews across Facebook and Google.

We reached out to Michelle Camp, patient care and marketing coordinator of the practice, for some insight on how social media is growing their business and what’s been working for them. Take something from what their team has learned to apply in your own social media strategy!

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Q&A With Michelle Camp, Marketing Coordinator

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

The biggest surprise of using social media in our practice is how fun and exciting it is creating the posts. Our staff has really loved getting involved in taking pictures, sharing their fun facts or just listening to our silly post ideas. Taking pictures of the staff and patients is a fun and quick way to break up the day/week and add some excitement to our patient’s visits.

Which of your team’s social media efforts have shown to be most effective?

The social media tool or tactic that has been most successful has been our “Fun Fact Friday”–where each staff member shares a little fact about themselves that our patients may not otherwise know. People love getting to know our staff and doctors through these posts. Our patients look forward to this post in particular because it is fun to see everyone’s unique answers while also thinking about what their answer would be for each week’s fun fact.

What has been the biggest challenge of using social media in your practice?

The biggest challenge of social media marketing has been staying fresh and current. We have a large multi-doctor, multi-location practice and it can be difficult to make sure all employees/doctors/locations are included while being sure we are not posting the same thing each week. My Social Practice has helped us with this challenge by providing interesting new content ideas.

What has been the biggest benefit to your patients since you started using social media?

The number one benefit of our social media for our patients is that it helps patients to develop a more intimate relationship with our practice. With our daily posts our patients get a little glimpse behind the scenes while also getting to know our employees and doctors more. Our patients can see that we are a family that works hard while having fun too.

What has been the biggest benefit to your practice since you started using social media?

The #1 benefit social media has brought to our practice is the ability to always stay on people’s minds. Everyone is scrolling through Facebook and Instagram at some point throughout the day. When they scroll past our posts it helps people to think about us when they otherwise wouldn’t. If they are current patients it may be a reminder to tell a friend about our office. If they are not patients yet it may be that extra reminder to call our office to schedule a consultation. Social Media brings our practice into people’s homes and into their everyday conversations.

What kind of feedback have you gotten from patients about your social media?

Luckily, the feedback we have received from our patients about our social media efforts has been positive. We have had parents of patients and older patients themselves tell us how much they enjoy our posts. I personally have been able to use this feedback to get to know our patients more, asking them what they dressed up as for Halloween or what their least favorite food is.

What do you do in your office to promote your social media presence?

Right now our employees promote our social media presence in a low-key, laid-back manner. It may be as simple as mentioning a recent post or telling a patient to look for an upcoming post. Of course, taking pictures of patients and telling them to look for their photo on our social media is a great way to promote also! We don’t ever want a patient or parent to feel pressured or uncomfortable so something as simple as “check us out on Facebook/Instagram” has done the trick so far.

What advice would you have for a dental practice just starting to build their social media presence?

For a dental practice just starting out on social media I would tell them to stay true to their values and beliefs. Social media is an amazing platform that can reach a lot of people, it is important that what is being displayed on your practice’s social media is a great representation of who you are and what you believe in. Put your best qualities out there and let social media be another marketing platform that keeps you on people’s minds.

Which My Social Practice product or service has been the most help to you?

My Social Practice’s Engagement Boxes have been the biggest help for our practice. Each engagement box has included a great variety of fun and interesting tools/props/ideas to help our posts stay fun and fresh. Each engagement box has been filled with fun props along with well-made signs and ideas for each post. We have always been impressed with the content delivered within each box!

Thank you for sharing, Michelle! Your team really understands how social media grows dental practices, and we’ve loved watching your online presence grow!

Dental social media marketing is about growing practices through increasing your reach, enhancing your local reputation, and building relationships with patients and potential patients. My Social Practice has remained laser-focused on these key objectives for over a decade as we’ve built the perfect dental social media solution.

Even if you have no social media experience and no time to learn, My Social Practice can do all the heavy lifting for you—growing your practice while you focus on serving your patients.

Learn more and request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how we can make your practice shine online!

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


The post Our November Practice of the Month — Zammitti & Gidaly Orthodontics appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

5 Tips to Run an Awesome Holiday Dental Practice Giveaway

[FREE DOWNLOAD] The holiday season is a perfect opportunity to attract and retain dental patients with gift-giving fun! These proven tips will get you more visibility and engagement for your dental practice giveaway!

There aren’t many things people love more than a chance to win a prize! So if you’re looking to grow your dental practice’s social media presence and be seen by more potential patients, a simple holiday giveaway can be a great dental marketing tool.

Check out these tried-and-tested guidelines for running an effective holiday giveaway in your dental office! They’re guaranteed to increase your social media reach and visibility and help you build relationships with the people who will grow your practice. (A giveaway is a great icebreaker, especially with young patients!)

As mentioned in the video, at the end of the post you’ll find a download link for the free Holiday Dental Giveaway Kit, which includes printable signs you can use in your giveaway announcement photo. Make sure to grab it before you go!

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


5 Tips for a Great Holiday Social Media Giveaways

1. Give away small prizes that allow you to do giveaways more frequently. My Social Practice has helped thousands of dental practices run effective giveaways, and we’ve found that our clients get nearly the same patient and fan interaction with a $10 prize as with a $50 prize.

To patients, it’s not so much about the value of the prize as it is about the chance to connect with you and win something for free. Plus, when you run frequent giveaways, you give patients and fans a reason to come back to your page regularly, helping you maintain top-of-mind-awareness and build crucial relationships.

The prize you give away doesn’t have to be related to dental care. Is there a unique restaurant or bakery that your patients love? Give away a $10 gift card and let someone enjoy a lunch on you. Are your patients excited for a new movie coming out? Try giving away a couple of tickets!
2. In your giveaway announcement post, clearly state what the prize is, how to enter, and how long the giveaway will last.
Make sure all relevant promotion details are stated in every social media post or piece of printed material about it. A giveaway that lasts about a week has a sense of urgency that encourages patients to enter the moment they see the announcement.

We also recommend boosting the post to help it reach more of your audience.

3. Make it easy to enter, and encourage social media engagement. Even if a giveaway prize is extremely attractive, many people will skip the chance to win if entering is too troublesome.

If you’re doing the giveaway featured in our Holiday Dental Giveaway Kit (download link at the end of this post), here’s what we recommend you include in your announcement post:

Follow these three simple steps to enter to win!

  1. Like our Facebook page and this post.

  2. Comment on this post with your favorite holiday movie.

  3. Mention a friend in your comment for an additional entry!

This is a great way to get your post seen by the your patients’ and fans’ friends and family—the people most likely to become your new patients.

4. Follow the social media platform’s rules. Facebook has rules about what you can and cannot do to promote a giveaway. Specifically, you cannot make sharing a post or tagging friends a mandatory part of entering to win.

It is also good practice to disassociate your giveaway from the social media platform. You can do this by simply including a statement like this in the announcement post:

“This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook/Instagram.”

5. Mention your giveaway in person to everyone who visits your practice. Successful social media efforts start in your practice, with face-to-face conversations. Ask everyone who walks in “Have you seen our giveaway on social media? You can enter right from your phone!”

If possible, display the prize on a table where everyone can see it, with a card or poster nearby telling visitors how they can enter to win.

This means that your whole team will have to be involved, so devote some meeting time to explaining the giveaway and getting everyone on board.

Oak Ridge Dental Arts Rockwell had an Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest!

Try Your Own Holiday Giveaway—This Kit Makes it Easy

Now that you’ve got the basics of dental social media giveaways, don’t hesitate to give it a try! If you’re starting with just a few fans on your practice’s Facebook and Instagram pages, this is an excellent way to kickstart your social media growth. Download the free kit and create your own holiday giveaway in minutes!

The post 5 Tips to Run an Awesome Holiday Dental Practice Giveaway appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.