Thursday, July 27, 2017

“Trust Me, I’m a Dentist” Doesn’t Work in Dental Marketing

You can tell prospective new patients how great your dental practice is as many times as you want to… But it still won’t have the impact that a personal recommendation from a friend, family member, coworker or neighbor will have, inside a trusted social media network.

It’s really important to remember that your patients, fans, and team members are your practice’s greatest marketing assets. They can do FAR more to help new patients find you than you could ever do by yourself.

Why? Because their trusted, permission-based, and highly scalable social media networks are connected to hundreds, if not thousands, of potential new patients in your community. Did you know that, typically, over 50 percent of the people that your patients are connected to on social media live in the same geographic area in which they live — making them great prospective new patients for your practice.


More important than the sheer numbers, however, is the TRUST they place in these connections. They trust these relationships far more than they trust you. Sorry to say it, but it’s true. In fact, today, nobody REALLY believes what YOU say about you — on your website, in your advertising, or even in your set-up, contrived endorsement videos!

In the old days, hiring a videographer to shoot one of your patients giving a video endorsement worked pretty well. But today, such videos are highly suspect in most consumers’ minds. After all, any business can get somebody to say something nice about them and then put it on their website.

Build Trusted, Organic Word-of-Mouth Marketing

People are smart today. They don’t trust what YOU say about yourself. And, they’re not fooled by fancy, schmancy branding. Stop wasting your money on such things and start focusing on the things that really work today. Creating advocates who willingly spread the good word about your practice. People today turn to reviews sites and their own social media networks to get recommendations and to decide who’s worthy of their business.

So stay tuned for more blog posts, free downloadable materials, examples, ebooks, case studies and other advice and training on how YOUR practice can easily and effectively turn your PATIENTS into your practice’s greatest advocates!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

The post “Trust Me, I’m a Dentist” Doesn’t Work in Dental Marketing appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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