Monday, October 16, 2017

6 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is an Easy Win for Dentists

Email has been around longer than the internet itself — but its marketing effectiveness continues to grow! Here’s how a smart email strategy for your dental practice helps you retain and motivate patients.

With so many new and sophisticated apps and social platforms, the humble email sometimes gets pushed aside as an old and obsolete marketing tool. Nothing could be further from the truth! A strategic approach to emailing your current patients should be a cornerstone of your dental practice’s digital marketing plan. Here are a 6 reasons why:

1. Virtually Everyone Uses Email, and Checks It Often

Over 90 percent of adult internet users in the U.S. regularly use email! And it’s not just the older age groups — over 75 percent of teens report checking their email frequently as well. With the rise of mobile devices, we carry our email inboxes in our pockets all day, and often check them the moment we get a notification.

How can this help you grow your practice? When you send valuable, engaging content to your patient email list, there’s a higher chance of them actually seeing it than if you were to send it through just about any other medium. Your patient email list is a direct channel to the people who care about your practice and team, and would recommend you to family and friends — if you strengthen your relationship with them. Email can be a big part of that!


2. Email Offers Better Organic Reach Than Social Media

Speaking of getting through to the people who can help you grow your business, you’ve probably noticed it’s getting harder to do that on social media. All major social media platforms are now using algorithms to determine which posts to show users, and unless you promote your practice’s posts, your content is only reaching a small fraction of your follower base. Studies estimate that on Facebook, un-boosted posts from business pages only reach about 2 percent of their fans!

While connecting with patients and prospective patients on social media is certainly worth the effort, sending an email to a well-tended patient email list allows you to reach 90 to 100 percent of those people, unobstructed by content algorithms.

3. Emails Motivate People to Act

Digital marketing tools have different strengths. Social media is good at establishing an online presence, building a brand and connecting with people on a personal level. Online reviews grow your practice’s visibility and reputation. And email is an excellent vehicle for telling patients and prospective patients about products and promotions you’re offering that could improve their lives. People expect emails to be a little more “salesy” — whereas on social media too much promotional content could cause someone to click the unfollow button.

A quick email telling your patients about a whitening deal or referral bonus you’re offering could be just the thing to motivate them to take action.

4. Email Offers Outstanding ROI

Gone are the days of needing to spend thousands of dollars on mass mailers to promote your practice — email marketing gives you the tools to create and send high-quality content to thousands of addresses at little to no cost.

Need an email provider? MailChimp allows you to create and send 12,000 emails a month for free.

5. Email Engagement Statistics Are Easily Measurable

Using a platform like MailChimp, you can see exactly how many people are receiving, opening, and interacting with your emails. This gives you an easy way to see what’s popular with your patients and prospective patients, and what motivates them to action.

6. Content-Rich Emails Build Your Other Social Media Pages

One of the best ways to drive traffic to your social media pages is to create a monthly email newsletter that features one or two of your best posts from each page, and invite readers to stay in touch by following. Showcase your team’s personality and practice culture, and invite fans to participate in campaigns and contests!


Your patient email list is one of your greatest marketing resources, and only using it to send appointment reminders ignores so much of its potential. We at My Social Practice would love to show you step-by-step how to help new patients find you through email and other digital marketing strategies! Request a free demo today!

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The post 6 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is an Easy Win for Dentists appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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