Saturday, December 15, 2018

4 Current Trends to Pay Attention to in Your Dental Marketing

The way your patients and potential patients connect with businesses online continues to evolve, and your dental marketing strategy needs to evolve with it. Here are a few trends you should keep in mind while building your dental practice’s online presence!

If you’re keeping an eye on the latest studies on how people are using social media, you’ll see that it’s changing at a breakneck pace, but everything is always changing in one direction—from complex to simple, from minutes to seconds, from planned and polished content to spontaneous and authentic interaction.

Are you taking advantage of these trends in your dental marketing efforts? New social media tools offer simple ways to promote your practice that spark engagement, build trust, and invite potential patients to become a part of your practice family.

Here’s a quick rundown of some current social media trends that are continuing to gain momentum, and how you can utilize them in simple ways to grow your dental practice:

Live Video in Dental Marketing

The ability to broadcast live video has been around for a few years, but now with virtually every major social platform featuring live video tools, it can become a powerful part of your dental marketing, especially on Facebook and Instagram.

Live video is highly interactive, and many patients and fans that might not leave a comment on your regular posts will find it easier to send a message on a live video. This interaction will give your other posts a higher chance of being seen by patients and fans.

As we here at My Social Practice track the progress of our clients’ dental marketing efforts on Facebook, we’ve found that it’s not unusual for live video posts to get up to ten times the amount of Likes and shares as normal image and text posts. Video content is simply more interesting, and helps patients and prospective patients connect with your team personally.

Livestreaming takes the stress and complication out of creating video content. When people tune into a livestream, they don’t expect anything to be scripted or edited, they just want to see what’s going on and maybe say hello in the chat! It’s a great way to give your fans a behind-the-scenes look at your practice and help them connect with your team on a personal level.

“Storified” Social Media Content

Instagram and Facebook stories present some unique dental marketing opportunities for social media growth. They are essentially slideshows of photos and 10-second videos that grow as you add to them throughout the day—much like Snapchat stories.

Stories from people and brands you follow appear at the top of your feed, making it easy to quickly see what your friends are up to. Here’s the difference: stories are separated from your regular Instagram feed, and disappear after 24 hours. You might ask yourself then, “Why should I put effort into creating social media content that’s just going to be deleted in a day?”

The format of Instagram Stories, including the 24-hour limitation, can actually help you create more engaging content. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Be more spontaneous. Got an idea for a post but not sure if it will work? An Instagram story is a perfect way to experiment. If it’s a hit with fans, you can continue adding to the story, and if not, it won’t stick around long.
  • Take fans along for the ride. Instagram Stories offer a unique way to make day-to-day events interesting. Running practice errands or unboxing a new piece of equipment? Share an interesting snapshot from each step of the process, resulting in an easy-to-follow montage of moments.
  • Never worry about over-posting. Because stories are completely separated from regular Instagram feeds, you can post as much as you want to a story and never annoy your followers or clog their feeds.
  • Less polished = more authentic. Traditionally, Instagram has been seen as where people share their best, most-composed photography. Not so with Instagram Stories. In the context of a story, a less-curated, more fun look at your practice is a better approach—and requires less effort on your part!

With its skyrocketing popularity, the stories format is likely to become the primary way users interact with social media platforms, replacing the role of the News Feed. Smartphones and shorter attention spans will continue to fuel the prominence of short-lived content in 2019, especially with younger generations.

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


Paid Facebook Advertising

There’s no getting around it: Facebook is now a pay-to-play platform. But when you’ve got great content and know the basics of boosting posts, you’ll find it’s an incredible value for your dental marketing dollar.

If you’ve been tracking the reach of your practice’s Facebook posts over the last few years, you’ve probably noticed a decline in how many people are seeing them. Don’t worry, It’s not because you’re any less interesting! It’s a result of Facebook (and all other major social media platforms) using algorithms to sort content and show users what it thinks is most relevant to them.

What does this mean for your practice? As Facebook news feeds become more crowded with content, it will be more difficult to reach your desired audience with your posts — even fans who follow your page. Small, strategic investments in boosting posts will dramatically increase your posts’ reach, helping you maintain top-of-mind awareness with fans and expand your audience to those most likely to become new patients.

We recommend you start by spending $5 promoting posts a couple of times each week. Increase your budget from there. Don’t stop and don’t give up. On the other end of the budget spectrum, we had a client spend $5,000 in one month boosting posts that promoted an Invisalign campaign they were running. Facebook boosting resulted in nearly 100 in-practice consultations that produced over $250,000.

Even if your Facebook page is starting with just a few Likes, boosting is one of the best dental marketing tools available to grow your practice’s social media presence and reach the people most likely to become new patients. When paired with great content, boosting can connect you with more people in more meaningful ways for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Transparency in Dental Marketing

As patients and fans come to recognize your practice’s social media presence as a dependable way to get useful information, have some fun, and connect with your team personally, you’ll see returns in the form of better patient relationships, greater case acceptance, and more referrals.

We all know it isn’t easy doing the right things day to day. We get tired, right? So whether we’re talking about regular exercise, sound eating habits, great oral hygiene (or in this case, consistent dental social media marketing activity) success often hinges on consistency.

First off, what do we mean by “consistency” on social media? Primarily, it’s making a daily attempt to connect authentically with your audience by posting high-quality content regularly and responding to their interaction.

There’s a degree of transference that takes place in patients’ minds with practices that are consistent with their dental social media efforts. The assumption is that if you’re consistent and reliable in providing relevant, educational, honest, human content through your social media platform, then you also likely provide the same consistency and leading-edge standards in everything you do — including the dental materials and procedures you use, the patient benefit-driven technologies you ascribe to, the way you respond and treat people, the CE you attend, etc.

It’s this type of positive top-of-mind awareness that leads patients to introduce your practice to family and friends who trust their recommendations.


FREE EBOOK: Build Your Dental Digital Marketing in Minutes a Day!

The post 4 Current Trends to Pay Attention to in Your Dental Marketing appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Friday, November 30, 2018

How an Endodontic Practice Found Success With Social Media Dental Marketing

Congratulations to our November Practice of the Month — Advanced Endodontics!

Prospective dental patients are becoming smarter and much more savvy. They do their own research and they’re much less likely to trust traditional mass advertising messages, including those things that you’re publishing on your website. And when making a decision as important as choosing a dentist, or even an endodontist (as shown by an uptick in self-referrals), they get input from trusted friends, family and other local residents through social media and reviews.

As an endodontist, you probably don’t do much advertising and your practice is not as well known as general dental offices that serve hundreds of patients per week. Because of this, your options to build your local reputation online are narrower than those of your colleagues. However, having stellar review scores on Facebook, Google and Healthgrades is still one way you can stand out to prospective patients and referring dentists as your community’s premier endodontic care provider.

We reached out to Saamiya Pirbhai, marketing manager for Advanced Endodontics, about what they’ve learned from their experience with social media dental marketing, and what’s been most effective for them. Take the opportunity to apply something in your own practice!

Q&A With Marketing Manager Saamiya Pirbhai

Responses edited for length and clarity.

Since you started using social media in your practice, what has been the biggest surprise?

“The amount of traffic we’ve been attracting into our office has been impeccable!”

Among the things social media strategies you’ve tried, what have you seen the most success with?

“Internet challenges — be it the “In My Feelings Challenge” or the “Baby Shark Challenge,” we’ve found that creating a more personable experience through videos like these have not only proved our warmth as a practice to the public, but has brought our team members together as well.”

In your opinion, what is the #1 benefit to patients of your social media marketing efforts thus far?

“They find themselves in a zone of comfort. They realize that though they are coming in for a dental treatment, we too as team members have an enjoyable office life. They see that we care about one another and we care about our patients and their wellbeing.”

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


In your opinion, what is the #1 benefit to your practice of your social media marketing efforts thus far?

“The positive vibe of all three of our offices has increased tremendously. We’ve witnessed the shyest team members getting involved within the company. And of course, showcasing our practice out there on social media has helped increase revenue for our office, which is always a good thing.”

What do you and your team do in the office to move forward your social media efforts?

“We host monthly meetings to track our progress, delegate tasks for the month to come, and plan out events and marketing strategies to assist our office and our doctors in networking. We participate in popular social media trends, to create excitement for the team and increase social media interaction. We celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, achievements, and more for our team members and publicize their importance on our social media networks.”

What advice would you give to a practice just starting out on social media?

“Don’t give up, keep moving forward and educating yourself more and more on new trends, new developments, and new movements. It’s worth it! Try it out and be open to new ideas. If you get pushback from your team and patients, find a different social media approach that will pull them into your circle. It’s a really fun game, trust me!”

Among the things My Social Practice provides, what item(s) or service(s) have been the most help to you?

“Brianna from My Social Practice has provided amazing feedback. She assisted me when I first joined the team and has called to check up on how we’re doing ever since. It’s nice knowing that there is a support available to us at any moment.”

Thanks, Saamiya! We’ll be sure to pass along your feedback to Brianna! We know social media can be difficult—especially for those who are a little less computer-savvy—so our support team always goes the extra mile to make sure clients are taken care of!

So even if you have little or no digital marketing experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

The post How an Endodontic Practice Found Success With Social Media Dental Marketing appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Our September Practice of the Month — Adventure Dental!

Congratulations to our September Practice of the Month — Adventure Dental!

Getting over the initial doubts about becoming a social practice is a part of the process nearly all our clients face. Sharing your team culture online, involving your patients in social media, and asking for reviews all take you out of your comfort zone. But check out Adventure Dental and you’ll see why it’s worth it!

The team at Adventure Dental maintains a fun and well-rounded online presence: they post valuable content to their social media pages regularly, run great practice campaigns, have prize giveaways and include their patients whenever they can. They also really impressed us with their patient reviews! With over 400 favorable reviews across Google and Facebook, Adventure Dental has elevated their profile as the premier pediatric dental practice in their community — and parents are noticing.

We reached out to Jenny Moses, marketing specialist at Adventure Dental, for some insight on how social media is growing their practice and what’s been working for them. Take something from what their team has learned to apply in your own social media strategy!

Q&A With Jenny Moses, Marketing Specialist

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

“The biggest a-ha moment is how easy it can be. I think it is so easy to over complicate things. For example we had one of our doctors participate in the ‘In My Feelings’ challenge. We did it in one take without any practicing and the patients loved it. It was our highest watched video. Many times it does not take hours of planning to have an engaging post, just some creativity and willing participants.”

What are the most significant ways social media marketing has benefited your practice and patients?

It connects us to our patients. For example, we have a summer contest, ‘Don’t be BORED, get on BOARD.’ We had our patients send us pictures and post pictures on our social media profiles how they were not BORED this summer. We were able to see what our patients were doing this summer and comment on their posts.”

“In turn, they get to know us and what we are all about. Our mission is: Big kids taking care of little kids — one tooth, one smile, one family at a time. We want our patients and their families to know how much we love what we do at the office. Social media is how we can capture that.”

What do you do IN THE PRACTICE to maintain a strong online presence?

It is definitely a team effort. We encourage our team members to capture the moments! We also like to reward our team members at random times with a gift card for them sharing, commenting or tagging us on their own personal social media accounts.”

What has been the biggest challenge of social media marketing for you?

“The hardest part of social media is trying to choose what content to share because we have so much going on in the office. My Social Practice has so many engagement ideas and we are able to tweak their ideas to fit the needs of our office.”

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


What advice would you give to a practice starting to build their online presence?

Do not get intimidated. You can do it. Create a social media calendar to keep you organized and try new things. It always great to try different apps to help improve your posts and to change it up. And keep consistent!”

The team supported the cause during Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Thanks to Jenny for sharing with all of us! We’re proud to have this awesome team as one of our valued clients!

Social media marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. As social platforms continue to evolve, using them effectively is less about technical know-how and SEO tricks and more about simply creating engaging, shareable content that sparks interaction.

So even if you have little or no social media experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

The post Our September Practice of the Month — Adventure Dental! appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Should Your Dental Marketing Strategy Include 24-Hour Content?

With Instagram stories and Snapchat, you might ask, “Why would I go through the trouble of creating posts for my practice’s pages if they’ll just be gone after a day?” This is why it’s worth your time.

As social media and technology continue to evolve, so do the preferences and habits of social media users. If you were a participant in the early days of social media, you might remember you or your kids occasionally posting to Myspace or chatting with a friend via AOL Messenger. Now, social media is a 24/7 experience — average users, including your dental patients, are consuming social media and each contributing to it literally dozens of times per day, aided by mobile devices that are always with them and continually in their hands.

There is now so much social media content generated every day that it’s less like a news feed and more like a river. It’s impossible to catch up with what you’ve missed throughout the day, so instead, users are just paying attention to what’s happening right now. With so much content to wade through, how can you reach current and potential patients, build relationships, and motivate them to action? Read on!

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

This new focus on the moment has led to a new type of media called ephemeral content, designed to grab the attention of these constantly-glancing users. You’ve probably heard of some examples such as Instagram stories, Facebook stories, or Snapchat snaps. It’s content that is immediately engaging, only takes a couple of seconds to interact with, and rewards users for keeping up to date. And why is it called ephemeral? Because it disappears after 24 hours.

The first mental roadblock you may have to overcome is being okay with the fact that whatever you create, it will be gone after 24 hours. It’s fleeting, but that’s part of the novelty! Ephemeral content gives you a huge amount of freedom to experiment with quick ideas, and engage current and potential patients in new ways.

The Fear of Missing Out

FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is one of the biggest reasons that young people are staying glued to their phones. Because the river of social media content is constantly flowing, they don’t want to end up out of the loop because they missed the latest post from a friend or celebrity, special offer, or event announcement. Followers feel compelled to stay tuned on a regular basis.

We understand that this all may sound foreign to you. If you didn’t grow up with social media, it may not play as big a part in your life. But if you want to get through to these hard-to-reach younger demographics with dental content, and keep them connected with your practice, you have to build an online presence that is appealing to them and fits how they use social media. Understanding the unique dental marketing purposes of ephemeral content will help you do that.

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


Connect With Your Practice’s Key Audiences, Easier and More Often

Your patients, and the people most likely to become new patients, are interacting with stories from Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat every day. With Instagram alone, there are more than 400 million people engaging with stories each month, many of them in the hard-to-reach millennial demographic.

A well-crafted ephemeral content strategy for your dental practice will enable you to create a greater amount of engaging content with less effort and less time. Using images and rich media such as video, you can get a compelling and interactive story in front of your followers quickly.

So get out your phone, get creative with your team, and start sharing moments that invite people to become part of your practice family!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

The post Should Your Dental Marketing Strategy Include 24-Hour Content? appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Our August Practice of the Month — Contemporary Dentistry!

Congratulations to our August Practice of the Month — Contemporary Dentistry!

Becoming a true social practice requires a change in your team’s mindset. It’s a shift from just “selling treatment” to “building lifelong healthcare relationships.” It’s about becoming comfortable sharing the human side of your dental practice. It’s about looking for opportunities to continue the positive patient experience through social media, long after a patient has left their appointment.

Contemporary Dentistry is one such team that knows what it means to be a social practice! Their fun team culture, sincere care for patients and passion for total well-being shine through in their online presence. Because of this, patients are eager to share their content, participate in contests and giveaways, and introduce their friends and family to the practice.

We reached out to Hoda Winkler, director of practice growth and development for Contemporary Dentistry, for some insight on how social media is growing their practice and what’s been working for them. Take something from what their team has learned to apply in your own social media strategy!

Q&A With Hoda Winkler, Director of Practice Growth and Development

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

“The biggest ‘a-ha moment’ has been realizing that people just want to feel that you’re real and that they can relate to you. The more authentic we show we are as people and not just a dental practice, the more connected patients and prospective patients feel.

“Facebook Live has been a big success for us, as well as the ‘In My Feelings Challenge’ — we got almost 15,000 views and 22 shares, and lots of engagement! Patients have asked the doctors, ‘Oh, was that you dancing while operating on that patient’s teeth?’ Then they share a laugh together.”

Patients enjoy seeing us have fun, which helps lessen the anxiety often associated with coming to the dentist office.”

What are the most significant ways social media marketing has benefited your practice?

“The No. 1 benefit to our practice of my social media marketing efforts thus far has been how it helps us tell people about our purpose. At Contemporary Dentistry, we believe that the mouth is connected to the rest of the body, thus we inherently practice Complete Health Dentistry. We always strive to bridge the gap between oral and systemic health.”

What do you do IN THE PRACTICE to maintain a strong online presence?

“We post flyers around the office and personally strike up conversations to entice patients to participate in our social campaigns. We document silly and goofy moments in hopes to make our patients smile.”

What has been the biggest challenge of social media marketing for you?

“I think the HARDEST part of social media marketing is figuring out the algorithm and all of the technical details. But I know I can always call Alex, my consultant at My Social Practice. She’s pretty awesome!”

“I asked Alex for help with a social movement project I’m working on launching, and she shared my inquiry with the My Social Practice team. In less than 24 hours, she submitted a number of helpful hashtags that we could use for our project! There’s nothing like personable customer service!”

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


What advice would you give to a practice starting to build their online presence?

“Content is king. Delivering great material in a consistent manner is what will keep your followers and prospective patients coming back for more. What drives you? Know your ‘why’ and be yourselves. Remember to have fun — energy is contagious.”

Thanks Hoda! We’re proud to have you as one of our valued clients and we’ll be sure to pass along your compliment to Alex!

Social media marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. As social platforms continue to evolve, using them effectively is less about technical know-how and SEO tricks and more about simply creating engaging, shareable content that sparks interaction.

So even if you have little or no social media experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

The post Our August Practice of the Month — Contemporary Dentistry! appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Find Out What You Need Most in Your Dental Marketing — In Five Minutes or Less

Hear that? It’s the little voice in the back of your mind that’s been telling you for YEARS that your dental marketing needs a stronger online presence. Our new tool makes it incredibly simple to make real progress TODAY.

We understand — starting something new is always difficult. But whether you’re learning to paint, cook, or build a dental marketing strategy, there are two things that make it infinitely easier and more achievable:

  1. A clear understanding of your goals and what it will take to reach them
  2. A mentor to personally guide your efforts and answer questions

That’s why we’ve developed our best free dental marketing tool ever, the new Dental Social Media Self-Assessment. We’ve distilled a comprehensive evaluation of your dental practice’s online presence down to just 25 questions — it’s a guided tour through each of the elements of attracting and retaining patients through social media. And at the end, we provide specific action items and free learning resources to help you improve where you need it most.

It’s the perfect kickoff point for transforming and growing your practice through social media! Click here to take it now, commitment-free. It may be the most important five minutes you ever spend on your dental marketing!

Create a Well-Rounded Dental Marketing Strategy

One of the great things about the new Dental Social Media Self-Assessment is that it doesn’t just focus on one part of dental marketing. It provides a brief overview of all the main aspects of creating a vibrant, attractive online presence for your practice.

From having accounts on the right social media platforms, to reviews, team culture and more, it will get you thinking about the essential dental marketing elements of your practice — things that may mean the difference between a potential patient calling or not.

Dental Marketing That Involves Your Whole Team

Taking the Dental Social Media Self-Assessment will get you in the right mindset to create a dental marketing strategy that your entire team can participate in. Getting consistent engagement is crucial to helping new patients find you on social media, but it can be difficult for practices just starting out on Facebook or Instagram. Don’t ignore your greatest resource in this situation — your team members!

Your team members are likely connected on social media to thousands of ideal potential patients in your area, and if you’re not leveraging those connections, you may be missing out on reaching hundreds of people that would have a high chance of scheduling an appointment with you.

We say “leverage your team members’ connections,” but don’t read that the wrong way. We’re not saying to encourage your team members to sell dentistry to their friends on social media. The smarter approach is to encourage your team members to simply interact with your practice’s posts — sparking some engagement and helping more people see them.

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


Turn Patients Into Your Greatest Dental Marketing Asset

A large following doesn’t guarantee that your practice’s posts will make it to many of your patients, even less so to your ideal potential patients. And if you’re starting your dental practice’s digital dental marketing strategy with less than 100 social media followers, as we suspect many taking the Dental Social Media Self-Assessment are, how are you supposed to build your online presence in the first place? An important part of the solution is patient posting.

What do we mean by that? Well, because posts from personal accounts aren’t subject to the same organic reach limitations that business posts are, your patients’ personal posts have a much higher chance of being seen by their family and friends — people who remember and trust their recommendations.

The best way to introduce your practice to the people most likely to become new patients is through your existing patients online! Taking the Dental Social Media Self-Assessment will help you create content that patients are proud to share with their family and friends.

Your Path to Dental Marketing Success Starts Here

Because you’ve read this far, we think you’re serious about growing your practice through remarkable dental marketing. Start your efforts on the right foot with a comprehensive evaluation of where you’re at and what you should focus on first!

Our new Dental Social Media Self-Assessment will give you a quick overview of each of the elements of building a strong online presence for your dental practice! It will provide you with personalized evaluation, actionable ways to improve where you need it most, and free, relevant learning materials.

It’s the perfect kickoff point for building your practice on social media! Click here to take it now, commitment-free. It may be the most important five minutes you ever spend on your dental marketing!

Social Proof Ebook

The post Find Out What You Need Most in Your Dental Marketing — In Five Minutes or Less appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Practices Took This Dance Challenge With Amazing Dental Marketing Results

The “In My Feelings Challenge” took the entire internet by storm, and these dental teams got in on the action by posting their own dance clips! What they may not have seen coming was how these fun, simple videos would help grow their practices!

If you’ve been anywhere online the past few weeks, you’ve probably seen videos of people of all ages dancing to one of Drake’s newest songs, titled “In My Feelings.” Why? Because they’re participating in the aptly named “In My Feelings Challenge,” doing the exact same moves Drake does in his music video for the song.

Unlike many other social media crazes that reach this level of notoriety, there’s no charitable cause or greater purpose behind it. It’s basically just an excuse to have some fun and share a video with your friends and family!

At My Social Practice, we always have an eye out for any popular social media trends like this that our clients can take part in to grow their practice’s online presence and build valuable relationships with patients. We wanted to open this particular one up to all of our fans and followers, so we put out the call to post an “In My Feelings Challenge” video for a chance to win an Amazon gift card!

Take a look at some of these awesome entries we received from clients and followers:

Apart from just a chance to win a prize, we wanted everyone who posted a video to realize the power of posting simple, fun videos that showcase your practice culture. There’s no need to overthink it or spend weeks coordinating a huge production, just take out your phone and shoot something that shows that your practice is a great place to be, and invites potential patients to get to know you!

Afterwards, we checked out the interaction that our participants were receiving on their posts, and found that ALL of them were receiving higher-than-average reach and engagement, with dozens of comments from patients and non-patients alike!

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


Check out how “In My Feelings Challenge” videos helped these practices attract new patients and turn existing patients into advocates:

The doctors’ moves at Miller & Simarro Dental Care caught the eye of potential patients looking for a new dentist:

Dr. Marcia Martinez’ video skyrocketed past the average amount of reach and engagement she receives on her social media posts:

Commenters were referring friends to Optimum Oral Surgery Group because of their video:

Lane & Associates Family Dentistry racked up a phenomenal amount of Likes and shares:

Pediatric Dentistry of Mullica Hill, LLC showed kids that the dentist can be fun:

Having fun together with your team and sharing videos with fans is a simple secret of dental marketing success. As you show that your team strives to build personal, lifelong healthcare relationships, your patients will be more likely to introduce you to family and friends — helping you grow your audience and your business.

Involve your whole team, especially those who think they’re “too old for this.” Get creative. Don’t be afraid to show your lighthearted side. Our star clients strike a balance between fun and professional posts that showcases their team culture, builds unity, and invites potential patients to become a part of their practice family.

The Easy Way to Involve Your Entire Team in Dental Marketing

My Social Practice makes it easy to get your whole team creating valuable dental marketing content like this! Clients receive weekly emails with engagement ideas, graphics and other resources to make your practice’s social media efforts a snap. Learn more and get a free demo today!

Free Ebook: Getting Started With Social Video

The post Practices Took This Dance Challenge With Amazing Dental Marketing Results appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Our July Practice of the Month — Paschen Orthodontics!

Congratulations to our July Practice of the Month — Paschen Orthodontics!

The team at Paschen Orthodontics truly understands that the power of social media comes from the “social”! The more people you can involve in your social media marketing efforts — your team, patients, local organizations and charities — the more powerful it becomes in growing compelling, authentic word-of-mouth for your practice.

Whether they’re raising money for people fighting breast cancer or giving away great prizes, Paschen Orthodontics gives everyone a worthwhile reason to engage with them in-practice and online — and then tell a friend!

We reached out to Judy Paschen, social media coordinator for Paschen Orthodontics, for her thoughts on how social media is growing their practice and what’s been working for them. Take something from what their team has learned to apply in your own social media strategy!

Q&A With Judy Paschen, Social Media Coordinator

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

“We were so wonderfully surprised at how responsive the public was to our ‘Put on Pink’ campaign! It coincided with Breast Cancer Awareness Month at the office. Dr. Paschen needed only 200 likes, and he received 700!

The video we made reached over 9400 people, and was viewed almost 5000 times! We donated locally for our patients’ participation to The SJS Cancer Support Team which provides support to local individuals.”

What are the most significant ways social media marketing has benefited your practice and patients?

“For our practice, exposure and new patients! Since familiarity breeds trust, we are now a practice that comes to potential patients’ minds when they need to look for an orthodontic provider.

The patients enjoy staying informed of what is going on in the practice, as they want to make sure to participate and win prizes in our campaigns and contests, and have fun at their appointments. It also helps them feel connected to the practice, and to the Team members.”

What do you do IN THE PRACTICE to maintain a strong online presence?

“Each week we go over what our social media plan of action is. It also serves as a good reminder to plan photos. Dr. Paschen and I are constantly networking with our Team and researching new ideas that will work well in our practice. If we get stuck, My Social Practice is always just a phone call away for some new ideas and the most effective ways to execute them.”

What has been the biggest challenge of social media marketing for you?

“It is often difficult to make time within a busy patient schedule to follow through with all our photo and patient activity plans, but it becomes much easier once we get in the swing of it! For those times that we can’t do everything we want, My Social Practice has a great library of content to use as filler so that we can continue to post consistently.

Having a My Social Practice contact who can provide advice and help, along with the Social Signs, campaigns, and blog templates has made it a no-brainer.”

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


What advice would you give to a practice starting to build their online presence?

“You need to have an enthusiastic and dedicated team member to be your social media coordinator, who can dedicate a small amount of time to it daily. Then, the rest of the team needs to follow through with the plan for it to be effective. Also, good grammar, spelling and proofreading matter!

For our practice, videos and Boomerang clips get the largest response! Use humor, and don’t be afraid to have fun! My Social Practice has many ideas to get you started.”

We’re so glad that the team at Paschen Orthodontics has found so many ways to utilize our tools in growing their online presence! And Sarah, their dedicated support agent here at My Social Practice, told us she’s always happy to speak with them when they call in!

So even if you have little or no digital marketing experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

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The post Our July Practice of the Month — Paschen Orthodontics! appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

CT graft to help the Peri-Implant Infection site

Post Implant 3 years

Flap to debride the infection and Detoxification w Tetracycline


CT graft insertion

CT graft fixed underneath flap


PosrSx 2 Wks

PostSx 4 wks

