Thursday, August 30, 2018

Our August Practice of the Month — Contemporary Dentistry!

Congratulations to our August Practice of the Month — Contemporary Dentistry!

Becoming a true social practice requires a change in your team’s mindset. It’s a shift from just “selling treatment” to “building lifelong healthcare relationships.” It’s about becoming comfortable sharing the human side of your dental practice. It’s about looking for opportunities to continue the positive patient experience through social media, long after a patient has left their appointment.

Contemporary Dentistry is one such team that knows what it means to be a social practice! Their fun team culture, sincere care for patients and passion for total well-being shine through in their online presence. Because of this, patients are eager to share their content, participate in contests and giveaways, and introduce their friends and family to the practice.

We reached out to Hoda Winkler, director of practice growth and development for Contemporary Dentistry, for some insight on how social media is growing their practice and what’s been working for them. Take something from what their team has learned to apply in your own social media strategy!

Q&A With Hoda Winkler, Director of Practice Growth and Development

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

“The biggest ‘a-ha moment’ has been realizing that people just want to feel that you’re real and that they can relate to you. The more authentic we show we are as people and not just a dental practice, the more connected patients and prospective patients feel.

“Facebook Live has been a big success for us, as well as the ‘In My Feelings Challenge’ — we got almost 15,000 views and 22 shares, and lots of engagement! Patients have asked the doctors, ‘Oh, was that you dancing while operating on that patient’s teeth?’ Then they share a laugh together.”

Patients enjoy seeing us have fun, which helps lessen the anxiety often associated with coming to the dentist office.”

What are the most significant ways social media marketing has benefited your practice?

“The No. 1 benefit to our practice of my social media marketing efforts thus far has been how it helps us tell people about our purpose. At Contemporary Dentistry, we believe that the mouth is connected to the rest of the body, thus we inherently practice Complete Health Dentistry. We always strive to bridge the gap between oral and systemic health.”

What do you do IN THE PRACTICE to maintain a strong online presence?

“We post flyers around the office and personally strike up conversations to entice patients to participate in our social campaigns. We document silly and goofy moments in hopes to make our patients smile.”

What has been the biggest challenge of social media marketing for you?

“I think the HARDEST part of social media marketing is figuring out the algorithm and all of the technical details. But I know I can always call Alex, my consultant at My Social Practice. She’s pretty awesome!”

“I asked Alex for help with a social movement project I’m working on launching, and she shared my inquiry with the My Social Practice team. In less than 24 hours, she submitted a number of helpful hashtags that we could use for our project! There’s nothing like personable customer service!”

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


What advice would you give to a practice starting to build their online presence?

“Content is king. Delivering great material in a consistent manner is what will keep your followers and prospective patients coming back for more. What drives you? Know your ‘why’ and be yourselves. Remember to have fun — energy is contagious.”

Thanks Hoda! We’re proud to have you as one of our valued clients and we’ll be sure to pass along your compliment to Alex!

Social media marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. As social platforms continue to evolve, using them effectively is less about technical know-how and SEO tricks and more about simply creating engaging, shareable content that sparks interaction.

So even if you have little or no social media experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

Team Up With Patients to Market Your Practice

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