Friday, March 2, 2018

Our February Practice of the Month — Hernas Dental!

Congratulations to our February Practice of the Month — Hernas Dental!

Looking for inspiration on how to get your team members and patients more involved in social media? Look no further than Hernas Dental!

They use Social Signs, props, giveaways, and campaigns to create a fun practice environment that gets people involved and sharing. And when patients post, their friends and family see the great experience they had, introducing more new people to the practice!

But the most important thing they do to get patients to participate is this: they just ask! You may not fully believe it yet, but patients who love your practice want to help your business thrive! Two of the best ways they can do that are:

  1. Snapping a photo at your practice and sharing it to their own social media accounts
  2. Writing a review on Google, Facebook or Healthgrades

Because over 80 percent of adults are on Facebook, you should never assume someone doesn’t want to participate because they don’t seem like “the social media type.” You might be surprised by the patients who turn out to be your practice’s best advocates. But in order for them to spread the word, you have to present them with the opportunity to do so!


We reached out to Dr. Knute Hernas, owner of the practice, for some insight on which social media tools have been most effective in helping them build relationships and attract new patients. Take something to apply in your own practice!

Q&A With Dr. Knute Hernas

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

“We were surprised when My Social Practice featured our Boomerang video on your Facebook page! That inspired us to be more creative and do more videos in the practice. If we had to give one piece of advice to practices starting out on social media, we’d say share lots of photos and videos! Having fun props and signs to take photos with also helps get patients participating.”

How have your social media efforts benefited your practice the most?

“The number one benefit to our practice comes when patients share their experience at our practice through social media. This way, social media marketing gets our name out in a positive way to as many people as possible. Happy patients post something on Facebook from our practice, and all their friends and family see. This brings in new patients.”

What do you regularly do in the office to move your marketing efforts forward?

“Other than taking pictures and videos, we have had success with contests and giveaways, and asking patients to write us a review.

What kind of feedback about your social media have you gotten from patients?

“Patients of all ages have fun snapping and sharing photos, and they love the signs and props that we get from My Social Practice. Our social media efforts help make the patient experience fun from beginning to end. Patients don’t see participating in our social media as advertising. They see it as having fun with friends.


Leslie also mentioned that the hardest part of social media is finding the time to post something every day. “Our office is really busy when we have multiple doctors here,” she told us. “We get so caught up in staying on time and keeping our patients happy that it can be hard to focus on taking pics and videos to post.”

It’s true that it can be difficult to find the time to post something daily. But our easy-to-use Publisher app makes it simple! My Social Practice clients have access to the world’s largest library of dental-related social media content, with images and pre-written captions you can customize to fit your audience. Plus, you can schedule posts in advance to go out to your accounts when you choose! Get a free demo of the Publisher today!

Social Proof Ebook

The post Our February Practice of the Month — Hernas Dental! appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

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