Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why Dental Influencer Marketing is the Future of Word of Mouth

Reaching your potential dental patients online is hard. Building trust with them is harder. That’s why the best way to attract and convert dental patients online is to leverage local opinion leaders who already have their trust AND attention. Dental influencer marketing makes it possible!

The top trends in consumer behavior for 2020 are all about trust. For dental industry professionals, now more than ever, your potential patients don’t trust what YOU say about your practice online. They need a recommendation from a member of their trusted social network to consider giving you a call.

On top of that, with your potential patients being exposed to so much content marketing and advertising online every day, breaking through the noise is more difficult than ever. Organic reach of business posts on both Facebook and Instagram has nearly hit zero, and more people than ever are simply blocking ads outright.

This is the reason many brands have started to work with social media influencers to promote their products. If you follow any celebrities online, you know what I’m talking about. It’s called influencer marketing, and leading brands are quickly discovering that it’s the most effective way to advertise, hands down.

Companies pay millions of dollars for famous people to create Instagram posts on their social media accounts endorsing their products, which are seen by millions and millions of followers who trust their recommendations. Top brands are seeing up to 11 times better ROI with influencer marketing than traditional advertising, with Instagram being the most effective of all social media platforms by far.

My Social Practice Dental Influencer Marketing

How Can a Dentist Break Into Influencer Marketing?

We know that it’s probably out of your dental business’s marketing budget to get an endorsement post from say, Scarlett Johansson, but you can get great results for your practice by applying the same technique on a much smaller scale.

So instead of trying to collaborate with celebrities, we recommend reaching out to micro influencers in your community. Micro-influencers generally have around 10,000 to 100,000 followers, and are much more authentically engaged with their audience.

In 2019, My Social Practice pioneered a new dental influencer marketing program to connect dentists with micro influencers to promote the Smiles for Life charity whitening campaign, and the results were amazing. It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in dental marketing. Here’s just one example:

The First Instagram Influencer Marketing Program for Dental Practices

Now, My Social Practice is proud to offer the world’s first Instagram influencer marketing program specifically tailored for dental professionals.

Here’s what happens when you sign up:

1. We identify local influencers in your community with a significant local Instagram following. Our in-depth investigation process verifies that their followers are authentic, in your area, and also that the influencer is someone you’ll be proud to associate with your practice’s brand.

2. The influencer schedules a teeth whitening appointment with you, and creates a set number of Instagram posts and stories about their experience at your practice and your level of service, recommending you to their followers and tagging your office.

3. My Social Practice handles all the details, from the influencer’s contract to verifying and reporting on your results. The influencer may even become your lifelong patient!

Influencer marketing is the future of digital word of mouth marketing. It’s the most effective way to reach your potential dental patients and instantly build trust with them. Click the link below and fill out the form to learn how easy it is to get started!

My Social Practice Dental Influencer Marketing

The post Why Dental Influencer Marketing is the Future of Word of Mouth appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

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