Thursday, March 26, 2020

Dental Social Media Caption Ideas

Engaging with patients helps dental practices build relationships online. While there are plenty of post ideas out there, coming up with creative dental social media caption ideas can be the most challenging part of posting to your dental social media pages.

Posting photos is a great way to increase interactions with your Facebook and Instagram followers but your caption is what really does the talking for your page. And when it comes to posting on your dental social media pages, engagement is your number priority.

Captions are important for dentists because, for some users online, your caption might be the first thing they read related to your practice! You want to make a good impression on those you are reaching online.

It can be difficult to know what to write, how long to make your caption, and what tone to use toward your patients and followers. The good news is, as a dentist, you have room to share clinical posts as well as joke around and have some fun on your Facebook and Instagram pages.

If you’re wondering what to write to accompany the photos that you post to your social media pages, here are a few great dental Instagram and Facebook caption ideas that you can start using today!

Show Appreciation For Your Patients

If your dental practice is like most, you have a few long-time patients. Some of your dental patients may be very loyal and come to see you year after year.

For orthodontists, an entire family may come in every time a new child reaches the appropriate age to see you! You appreciate your patients, and that appreciation should not go unrecognized. Use social media as a tool to share about your patients, especially those patients with whom you have a long-time relationship!

Snap and picture posing with your arm around one of your loyal patients and write a caption explaining how much you love having them in your office.

Share unique parts of your relationship with them. For example, share that you like to argue over your favorite sports teams with them or that you love when they bring in treats for the office. This demonstrates that your practice treats people, not just teeth.

Example: “Here at our dental practice, we feel grateful for patients like [patient name]! [Patient name] has been coming to our office for 5 years and we always look forward to having him in our practice (even if he IS a Red Socks fan! :) ) We feel so lucky to be able to serve awesome patients.”

Example: “Today we were lucky enough to have the entire [patient family] in our office for their cleanings! And, guess what? They were all cavity-free! We love it when [patient family] comes in to see us, it’s so fun for us to catch up with our patients! We’ll see you all in six months!” 


Shout Out a Local Company 

A good way to reach new people and show support for businesses in your community is to give them a shoutout on your page! Is there a coffee or donut shop your team likes to stop by in the morning? Snap a picture of your order then post the photo on social media. Don’t forget to tag the local business in your photo, that way they get a notification letting know that you are sharing about them. There is a good chance the business will share your post, giving your page more exposure!


This is also a great idea to use for shouting out your referring practices! If a practice comes in with treats for your office, make sure to take a picture with the person bringing you the treats. Post the photo to your page and write a caption about how much you enjoy your relationships with that referring practice.

Example: “We grab our coffee from our favorite shop [coffee shop] to wake us up and get us ready to start seeing our lovely patients! They have the BEST lattes and their muffins are to die for. We always get our coffee in minutes, we love [coffee shop]!”

Example: “Thank you to [local floral shop] for this beautiful bouquet we have in our lobby area today! They are located just down the street from our office and they always have the most beautiful, fresh flowers. We love dropping by and picking up an arrangement, it really brightens up our office.”


How To Tag A Business



1. After choosing your picture and typing your caption, type “@”

2. With no spaces between, type in the name of the person or business you would like to tag. In this example we typed in “@coffeeshop.” A drop down menu should appear, allowing you to select the business or person.

3. Tap or click on the person or business to tag them.


1. After choosing your picture and typing your caption, type “@”

2. With no spaces between, type in the name of the person or business you would like to tag. In this example we typed in “@coffeeshop.” A drop down menu should appear, allowing you to select the business or person.

3. Tap or click on the person or business to tag them.

You are ready to post. Since you tagged the business or person, people will be able to click on their name and be brought to their page! Way to go!

Get Personal

Some people see their hygienists and dentists as people who come in, clean their teeth, tell them to floss and then brisk away to the next patient. Social media is a great place to get personal with your patients and show them the fun, human side of the practice. This will help patients feel connected to your team and build a personal relationship with them. We know that when patients feel personally connected to their dentist they are more likely to be a loyal, long-time patient!

Show your patients the fun that you have in the office. Do you bring in a cake when it’s a team member’s birthday? Have you ever pulled a prank on the doctor? Does your office eat lunch together? Snap a photo and share it with a light-hearted caption about how you like to connect as a team and the fun you have together in the office.

Example: “[team member names] unpacking toothpaste! It looks like the toothpaste has invaded and will completely take over our office- haha! We have a lot of fun making goodie bags for our patients. Come see us and get one!”

Example: “[Team member name] loves to bake- and they are dang good at it too! Our office gets spoiled with all kinds of treats, we are the best test-tasters! Check out these beautiful cupcakes [team member] brought into our office. How good do they look? Yum!”

Example: “We are having a little too much fun on a Friday here at our practice! We scared Dr. Jones just as he was coming out of his office this afternoon and as you can see, we got him good! Haha! Happy Friday everyone!  We hope everyone has a great weekend.”


Show Gratitude For Your Team

Show some gratitude for your team on your social media pages! Highlight a staff member and write a caption explaining how much they mean to your practice. Tell your followers about all the hard work they do to keep things running and that you couldn’t live without them! You appreciate your team so don’t be afraid to show them some love on your dental practice Instagram and Facebook pages.

Showing gratitude for your dental team online will illustrate to your patients and followers that your practice has a high-quality staff and that you genuinely care about cultivating positive relationships. Not only that, but taking actions to ensure your team feels appreciated for their work in the office will strengthen relationships and foster a positive dental office culture.

Example: “Say hi to [team member’s name]! We want to take a minute to highlight all of their hard work! They keep our practice running smoothly, they always have a great attitude and they keep our team smiling with their awesome sense of humor! Thank you for everything you do! #bestteamever #staffmemberspotlight”

Example: “[Team member name] is an awesome part of our team, we don’t know what we would do without them! They keep our office organized, they work hard to make sure every patient has a happy healthy smile and they never forget to floss! Thank you for being a part of our team- we couldn’t do it without you!” 


Hold A Caption Contest

Get some caption inspiration from your followers! Take a picture of a team member pulling a face at the camera or share a funny image of an animal showing an expression and ask your followers to write a witty caption in the comments below the image!

Your dental practice could do this just for fun or turn it into a dental caption contest. Announce on your post that your dental team will vote on their favorite caption from the comments, and you’ll choose the winner based on the votes! Incentivize your followers to join in by giveaway a small prize like a gift card to a local restaurant or movie ticket passes.

Giving your patients a reason to comment on your posts allows you to interact with your followers online! Comment back to everyone who comments with a funny caption. Don’t overthink your conversations with your fans online. Simple responses like “We love this one!” and “This is so funny!” is a great way to socialize online.

Writing clever, engaging dentist captions for Instagram and Facebook can be challenging. It takes some practice to begin to feel comfortable and confident posting to your pages! But sharing consistent, engaging dental social media posts is key to maintaining strong connections with current patients and key to getting new dental patients online. If you are looking for a quick dental Facebook or dental Instagram caption, a great place to start is with funny dental quotes and sayings!

Stay up to date on dental social media’s best practices by subscribing to our blog! If social media feels like too much for your practice to handle, or your simply not interested in digital marketing, My Social Practice will take care of dental social media for you.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

9 Ways Dentists Are Using Social Media To Reach Patients During Coronavirus Confusion

It seems that information, updates, and recommendations to stop the spread of Coronavirus are changing by the minute. Dental practices across the country are updating health and safety policies or closing altogether. Many practices are discovering that patients are canceling or rescheduling their dental appointments to adhere to social-distancing advice. These constant changes make your social media pages critical. Your practice can provide value to your followers and patients online by being an active voice in the health care industry.

Whether your practice is keeping its doors open or closing for the next few weeks, social media is the first place patients will go to find updates on your practice. Social media allows you to keep in contact with your patients and followers, keep them updated and ensure that your number one priority is the health of your team and patients. Although your practice may be closed for regular appointments, your social media pages are still open to answer questions and update your patients on the status of your office and dental team.

The worst thing your dental practice can do is be silent when your concerned patients and community are looking for support online. Dental practices have a strong voice in their communities as healthcare workers meaning that many people will look to your practice’s social media pages for advice and reassurance.

Posting to social media allows you to establish yourself as a dependable practice and gives you the chance to build trust and create relationships with your audience. You’ll find that being present online is the best way to provide reassurance and stay in touch with your patients through this uncertain time.

We’ve laid out 9 ideas on how to stay active and connected to your dental patients online.

Record a short video for Facebook and Instagram with a few tips on at-home preventive dental care or record a video answering questions like “What is a dental emergency?” “What to do in case of a dental emergency?” Give instructions on exactly how to contact you if a patient has an emergency. Patients may be extra concerned about this right now, especially if your practice is closed.

Create a post that demonstrates the extra measures your practice is taking to protect your patients. This shows your knowledge, that you are taking the situation seriously, and assures your patients that their safety is your number one priority.

What are we at Mid-Columbia Dental doing about Covid-19? Let me tell you! And please, ask any questions you may have.

Posted by Mid-Columbia Dental on Sunday, March 15, 2020

Post a photo or video of you deep-cleaning the office. Build trust with your followers by showing them the measures your team is taking to keep your practice exceptionally clean. Explain what kind of bacteria-killing products your practice uses to ensure a safe and sanitary experience for every patient.

View this post on Instagram

Your health and wellness mean the world to us! We want to assure you that we are taking extra precautions for the safety and well-being of our patients and staff at this time. We are following recommendations of the CDC, as well as the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all. In addition to our standard practices of wearing Personal Protective Equipment, sterilization of operatories and instruments, single use products, hand washing and sanitizer stations, we are also making sure to disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces throughout the office. We appreciate your confidence and trust in allowing us to care for your oral health & hope to see your smile soon!

A post shared by Jaclyn Bradle, DDS (@jaclynbradledds) on

Share a post that gives tips on avoiding touching the mouth, eyes and nose and instructions on how to wash hands correctly. Tell your patients that you care about them and you want them to stay educated on how to be healthy!

Post a photo of the activities you and your dental team are doing at home! Offer some at-home activity ideas like organizing drawers, learning a new recipe or at-home yoga. Many of your patients will be working from home and staying in, this is a perfect opportunity to connect with them on with them on your page!

Yoga time with Dr. Wagstaff and Dr. Emmert. We’re feeling the zen. 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️ What do you guys do to wind down?? Comment below ⬇⬇⬇ YogaOasis

Posted by Gladden Farms Family Dentistry on Monday, August 26, 2019

Since many people are staying home, they get more time with their furry friends. Ask patients to share a photo of their pet in the comment section of your post! This idea gives your patients and fans a reason to engage and share with your practice.

National love your pet day!!! Comment pictures of your pets, we want to see them!! 🦮🐇🦔🐈🐴🐥🐠🦦🦥🐓

Posted by Carroll County Dental Specialists on Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ask your team members to recommend their favorite, must-watch T.V. show! Share your team’s binge-worthy shows and add a little synopsis for your fans. Post your recommendations on your social media pages and ask your followers for their suggestions.

Posted by David Toney DDS on Friday, July 19, 2019

If your practice has closed its doors, let your fans know that you will keep them updated on when your practice will be open again. Plan on posting updates about when your office will be open again. Use this as an opportunity to remind patients to come in when things are back to normal. Let your patients know that you miss seeing them and that you can’t wait to have them back in your office!

If you’re out of the office, spend some time educating yourself by watching dental education webinars. This is a perfect time to create a plan on how to get better at welcoming new patients, exceed your current patients’ expectations, retain or reactivate patients, and build relationships with your community.

👑🦠 update: As most of you know, we’ve shut down our orthodontic patient care operations 😔under advisement of the…

Posted by Dr Victoria Lynskey/ on Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The importance of social media for dentists and orthodontists cannot be emphasized enough. Particularly during this confusing time. Set aside some time to make a social media plan using the dental post ideas mentioned. There is no better opportunity to showcase leadership, establish new relationships, and provide support to your patients

My Social Practice is a digital and social media marketing agency for dentists and orthodontists. We specialize in growing your practice using the power of social media, websites, online reviews and more. Find out how we can help your practice grow!

The post 9 Ways Dentists Are Using Social Media To Reach Patients During Coronavirus Confusion appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Dental Practice Instagram: A Beginner’s Guide

This is a dentist using Instagram.Instagram is quickly becoming the most-used social media platform, meaning there are many active users and more opportunities than ever to reach new patients. So, how do dentists use Instagram effectively in their marketing? While the basic fundamentals of social media marketing and creating good content definitely apply to Instagram, we’ve laid out a few of the basics for dental practices just getting started.

How to Set Up an Instagram Account
What To Write In Your Dental Instagram Bio
How to Use Instagram Stories
How to Use Hashtags
How to Easily Manage Multiple Instagram Accounts
How to Show Off Your Practice Culture
How to Engage With Your Followers and Community

Instagram is a great place to stay connected with your current patients and find new ones. However, it can be overwhelming to consider all the features and possibilities of Instagram so we’ve boiled it down to the basics. Knowing how to set up an account, what hashtags to use and what kind of content to post is a great place to start.

This is a phone with Instagram

How To Set Up An Instagram Account

If you don’t have an Instagram account already set up don’t worry, it’s a breeze. You can set up your account one of two ways:

The first way to create an account is to open your web browser and go to The second way is to download the Instagram app on your mobile device. Navigate to the app store on your device and search for “Instagram” If you’re on an Apple device click here if you are using a Google device click here.

A page will appear with a form to fill out our information. Instagram asks you to sign up using your mobile number or an email address. We recommend using an easily accessible general practice email.

You will also be asked for your name, username, and password. Use your practice name for the “Name” and “Username” fields. The username you select might be taken and since Instagram only allows unique usernames you’ll have to try something else.

Let’s say for example your practice name is Gentle Dental the username @gentledental is taken, here are a few alternative examples:

@GentleDentalTexas (include your city name or city initials)

    1. @GentleDentalSmile
    2. @DentalGentleDrSmith (include doctors name)
    3. GentleDental123 (include numbers after your username)

After you’ve filled out the required fields, click the blue “Sign Up” button to finish creating your account.

Welcome to Instagram. Easy right?

Switch to Instagram Business Account

Once you’ve created your dentist Instagram account, you may want to switch to a business account. This will separate your page as a professional business, not an individual user.

To switch your profile to a professional account:

This is a dentist instagram account

Go to your profile and tap in the upper right corner.

Tap Settings.

Tap Account.

This is a dentist instagram account settingsTap Switch to Professional Account.

this is a dentist instagram settings

Tap Business


This is a dentist thinking about instagram

What To Write In Your Dental Instagram Bio

Your practice’s Instagram bio is the first part of your Instagram page that your audience looks at when they visit your page. Potential patients checking out your Instagram page get their first impression from your bio and they may even make a decision to “follow” you based on what it says.

The best Instagram bios for dentists hook potential patients by providing valuable information right off the bat.This is a dentist's instagram bio

Your Instagram bio is the first thing your audience “sees” about you or your dental practice. They also see it often, yet take less than a second to form a lifetime opinion. Finally (and most importantly), your audience makes the decision to “follow” you based on your bio. That’s why an effective bio a big part of your Instagram marketing strategy.

Here are some ideas of what to put in your dental Instagram bio:

  1. Practice address
  2. Practice phone number
  3. Practice email
  4. Your practice tagline
  5. Short description of your specialty
  6. Emojis (Think: smileys, tooth emoji, phone emoji next to the phone number, etc.)
  7. Local hashtags (Think: #austindentist or #texasdentist)

Instagram allows pages to include one link- we recommend this link directs people right to your practice website.

This is an instagram story of a patient and dental hygienist

How to Use Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are gaining in popularity and more viewers than ever are swiping through the stories of the accounts they follow throughout their day. It’s a great way to compliment your Instagram posts.

Stories are located at the top of your feed and allow you to post a photo or video for 24 hours. After 24 hours, your post disappears! Stories work perfectly for quick updates, promotional announcements, running polls, and going live.

How To Post an Instagram Story:


This is Step 1 of 4 of how to post a story to instagram

Click the camera icon in the top-left corner in your Instagram app

This is a instagram story of a dental patient

Snap a photo, choose or image from your device or tap one of the options at the bottom of the screen (Boomerang, Create, Live. etc)

This is a instagram story of a dental patient and hygienist

Edit your photo

This is a instagram story of a dental patient and hygienist

Tap “Your Stories” on the bottom-right and congrats! Your post is now posted to your Instagram story feed.


This is a potential patient looking at a dentist's instagram

How to Use Hashtags

What is a hashtag?

Hashtags are pound signs (#) followed by one word or short groups of words like #dentists or #teethwhitening. Hashtags are used to categorize content across the internet. For example, if you search #dentist on Instagram, your search will bring up all the photos taken with that tag- there are a lot!

Where to find relevant hashtags

Introducing AllHashtag! It’s a free website that generates related and relevant content depending on your search. If you search “dentist” the system will give you popular hashtags that relate to your search! Check it out here!

A Tip That Makes Using Hashtags Faster & Easier

Select the hashtags that you’d like to use and choose a place on your phone for keeping them handy. For example, your “Notes” application. That way you can copy and paste the hashtags without having to key them in every time you post.

Keep in mind, Instagram restricts the maximum number of hashtags to 30. Also, for a much less cluttered feel to the post, some dental practices like to paste the hashtags in as a comment rather than including them in the image caption. Either way will be equally effective!

Give this suggestion a shot! It’s becoming effective in the world of dental marketing. You’ll be stunned to see how many local people will discover your practice on Instagram when you’re making an effort to join local conversations!

Check out how these practices used hashtags on their posts:

This is a dental practice using instagram

This is a dental practice using instagram

This is a dental practice using instagram


This is a dentist managing his instagram

How to Easily Manage Multiple Accounts

Instagram has a feature that allows users to manage multiple accounts on one mobile device. Why is this such a big deal? Because it makes it easy for your team to share photos and great moments from your practice!

You can easily switch from your personal Instagram account to the practice account, instead of hassling with logging in and out or having to find the phone or tablet with access to the practice account.

This trick will save you time and allow for better Instagram collaboration in your office.

Adding accounts and switching between them is easy and super simple:

This is the settings of a dentist instagram Go to your Instagram settings.

This is the settings of a dentist instagram

Scroll down and tap Add Account.

this is a dentist logging into instagram

Enter the username and password of the account you’d like to add.

How to switch between the Instagram accounts you’ve added:

A dentist instagram account

Go to your profile.

This is a dentist instagram account

Tap your username at the top of the screen.

A list will drop down displaying the accounts connect to your Instagram app, tap the account you’d like to switch to and voila!

Keep in mind that Instagram allows you to add up to 5 accounts to your Instagram app.

Adding your practice’s Instagram account to the accounts of your dental team makes for easy social media teamwork. Granting access to your team will allow them to capture fun moments in the office and snap photos with your patients. This kind of fun, engaging content is what sets your practice apart from the crowd online and is crucial to finding social media success.

This is a dentist with his staff and patients

How to Show Off Your Practice Culture

When prospective patients are checking out your Instagram account, they are looking to get a good feel of your practice culture and personality. The experience you provide on your Instagram page should be a reflection of the experiences patients have inside your practice.

How can you exhibit your practice culture and build trust with potential patients from your Instagram page?

First, capture moments in your practice that demonstrate your practice culture. Focus on how you want your patients to feel when they visit your page.

For example, if you pride yourselves on relaxing patient experiences, you may want to post a photo of your complimentary beverages and snacks or neck pillows.

Example of a dentist Instagram


If you have a friendly and playful office, you might share a picture of a team member pulling a funny face at the camera. Many patients have anxiety about visiting the dentists and you can help alleviate some of that worry by allowing them to see their dental professionals as people with personalities!

Examples of dentist instagram post

Along with pictures of patients and team members, share photos of anything interesting in and around your practice.

Find your inner photographer and get creative! Has an animal wandered onto your office property? Snap a photo and share it! What does the doctor have on their office wall? Share a picture and share why it’s meaningful.

If someone brought in treats for the office or if you decorated for St. Patrick’s day- show it off! These types of pictures keep your practice relatable and builds trust with potential patients by connecting with them on a personal level.

this is a dentist instagram post

This is a dentist engaging with patients

Engage With Your Followers and Community

Communicating with patients and members of the dental community on Instagram is an excellent way to attract new patients and grow your following, especially for practices just starting out. Here are a few ways to start.

1. Make sure to follow back the patients that follow your practice page, and occasionally ‘Like’ one of their recent photos.

This is a dentist instagram post

2. Respond when people comment on your posts or tag your practice. Follow local businesses, doctors, artists, restaurants, and news outlets

this is a dentist instagram commenting on another instagram

3. When you follow someone on Instagram, ‘Like’ one of their photos, or tag their business location, they’ll receive a notification from your account, increasing the likelihood of them following you back. So don’t be shy!

The post Dental Practice Instagram: A Beginner’s Guide appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.