Thursday, March 26, 2020

Dental Social Media Caption Ideas

Engaging with patients helps dental practices build relationships online. While there are plenty of post ideas out there, coming up with creative dental social media caption ideas can be the most challenging part of posting to your dental social media pages.

Posting photos is a great way to increase interactions with your Facebook and Instagram followers but your caption is what really does the talking for your page. And when it comes to posting on your dental social media pages, engagement is your number priority.

Captions are important for dentists because, for some users online, your caption might be the first thing they read related to your practice! You want to make a good impression on those you are reaching online.

It can be difficult to know what to write, how long to make your caption, and what tone to use toward your patients and followers. The good news is, as a dentist, you have room to share clinical posts as well as joke around and have some fun on your Facebook and Instagram pages.

If you’re wondering what to write to accompany the photos that you post to your social media pages, here are a few great dental Instagram and Facebook caption ideas that you can start using today!

Show Appreciation For Your Patients

If your dental practice is like most, you have a few long-time patients. Some of your dental patients may be very loyal and come to see you year after year.

For orthodontists, an entire family may come in every time a new child reaches the appropriate age to see you! You appreciate your patients, and that appreciation should not go unrecognized. Use social media as a tool to share about your patients, especially those patients with whom you have a long-time relationship!

Snap and picture posing with your arm around one of your loyal patients and write a caption explaining how much you love having them in your office.

Share unique parts of your relationship with them. For example, share that you like to argue over your favorite sports teams with them or that you love when they bring in treats for the office. This demonstrates that your practice treats people, not just teeth.

Example: “Here at our dental practice, we feel grateful for patients like [patient name]! [Patient name] has been coming to our office for 5 years and we always look forward to having him in our practice (even if he IS a Red Socks fan! :) ) We feel so lucky to be able to serve awesome patients.”

Example: “Today we were lucky enough to have the entire [patient family] in our office for their cleanings! And, guess what? They were all cavity-free! We love it when [patient family] comes in to see us, it’s so fun for us to catch up with our patients! We’ll see you all in six months!” 


Shout Out a Local Company 

A good way to reach new people and show support for businesses in your community is to give them a shoutout on your page! Is there a coffee or donut shop your team likes to stop by in the morning? Snap a picture of your order then post the photo on social media. Don’t forget to tag the local business in your photo, that way they get a notification letting know that you are sharing about them. There is a good chance the business will share your post, giving your page more exposure!


This is also a great idea to use for shouting out your referring practices! If a practice comes in with treats for your office, make sure to take a picture with the person bringing you the treats. Post the photo to your page and write a caption about how much you enjoy your relationships with that referring practice.

Example: “We grab our coffee from our favorite shop [coffee shop] to wake us up and get us ready to start seeing our lovely patients! They have the BEST lattes and their muffins are to die for. We always get our coffee in minutes, we love [coffee shop]!”

Example: “Thank you to [local floral shop] for this beautiful bouquet we have in our lobby area today! They are located just down the street from our office and they always have the most beautiful, fresh flowers. We love dropping by and picking up an arrangement, it really brightens up our office.”


How To Tag A Business



1. After choosing your picture and typing your caption, type “@”

2. With no spaces between, type in the name of the person or business you would like to tag. In this example we typed in “@coffeeshop.” A drop down menu should appear, allowing you to select the business or person.

3. Tap or click on the person or business to tag them.


1. After choosing your picture and typing your caption, type “@”

2. With no spaces between, type in the name of the person or business you would like to tag. In this example we typed in “@coffeeshop.” A drop down menu should appear, allowing you to select the business or person.

3. Tap or click on the person or business to tag them.

You are ready to post. Since you tagged the business or person, people will be able to click on their name and be brought to their page! Way to go!

Get Personal

Some people see their hygienists and dentists as people who come in, clean their teeth, tell them to floss and then brisk away to the next patient. Social media is a great place to get personal with your patients and show them the fun, human side of the practice. This will help patients feel connected to your team and build a personal relationship with them. We know that when patients feel personally connected to their dentist they are more likely to be a loyal, long-time patient!

Show your patients the fun that you have in the office. Do you bring in a cake when it’s a team member’s birthday? Have you ever pulled a prank on the doctor? Does your office eat lunch together? Snap a photo and share it with a light-hearted caption about how you like to connect as a team and the fun you have together in the office.

Example: “[team member names] unpacking toothpaste! It looks like the toothpaste has invaded and will completely take over our office- haha! We have a lot of fun making goodie bags for our patients. Come see us and get one!”

Example: “[Team member name] loves to bake- and they are dang good at it too! Our office gets spoiled with all kinds of treats, we are the best test-tasters! Check out these beautiful cupcakes [team member] brought into our office. How good do they look? Yum!”

Example: “We are having a little too much fun on a Friday here at our practice! We scared Dr. Jones just as he was coming out of his office this afternoon and as you can see, we got him good! Haha! Happy Friday everyone!  We hope everyone has a great weekend.”


Show Gratitude For Your Team

Show some gratitude for your team on your social media pages! Highlight a staff member and write a caption explaining how much they mean to your practice. Tell your followers about all the hard work they do to keep things running and that you couldn’t live without them! You appreciate your team so don’t be afraid to show them some love on your dental practice Instagram and Facebook pages.

Showing gratitude for your dental team online will illustrate to your patients and followers that your practice has a high-quality staff and that you genuinely care about cultivating positive relationships. Not only that, but taking actions to ensure your team feels appreciated for their work in the office will strengthen relationships and foster a positive dental office culture.

Example: “Say hi to [team member’s name]! We want to take a minute to highlight all of their hard work! They keep our practice running smoothly, they always have a great attitude and they keep our team smiling with their awesome sense of humor! Thank you for everything you do! #bestteamever #staffmemberspotlight”

Example: “[Team member name] is an awesome part of our team, we don’t know what we would do without them! They keep our office organized, they work hard to make sure every patient has a happy healthy smile and they never forget to floss! Thank you for being a part of our team- we couldn’t do it without you!” 


Hold A Caption Contest

Get some caption inspiration from your followers! Take a picture of a team member pulling a face at the camera or share a funny image of an animal showing an expression and ask your followers to write a witty caption in the comments below the image!

Your dental practice could do this just for fun or turn it into a dental caption contest. Announce on your post that your dental team will vote on their favorite caption from the comments, and you’ll choose the winner based on the votes! Incentivize your followers to join in by giveaway a small prize like a gift card to a local restaurant or movie ticket passes.

Giving your patients a reason to comment on your posts allows you to interact with your followers online! Comment back to everyone who comments with a funny caption. Don’t overthink your conversations with your fans online. Simple responses like “We love this one!” and “This is so funny!” is a great way to socialize online.

Writing clever, engaging dentist captions for Instagram and Facebook can be challenging. It takes some practice to begin to feel comfortable and confident posting to your pages! But sharing consistent, engaging dental social media posts is key to maintaining strong connections with current patients and key to getting new dental patients online. If you are looking for a quick dental Facebook or dental Instagram caption, a great place to start is with funny dental quotes and sayings!

Stay up to date on dental social media’s best practices by subscribing to our blog! If social media feels like too much for your practice to handle, or your simply not interested in digital marketing, My Social Practice will take care of dental social media for you.


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