Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Best Way For Dentists To Address Health & Safety Concerns

As your patients ease back into the regular swing of life post-quarantine, they may have a few anxieties about visiting public places and healthcare facilities like their dentist.

Calm your patient’s apprehensions and concerns regarding their dental care by informing them of steps you are taking to keep them safe. The absolute best place to provide timely, educational, and interesting information is on social media!

Dental professionals are trained on how to keep their practices and operatories extremely sanitary and safe. Your social media is the means by which you can communicate your high standards of cleanliness to your patients before they even step foot in your office.

Show your dental patients that you take their health, the health of your team, and your community seriously. Use your social media pages to outline the measures you and your dental team are taking to guarantee they are well-cared for when they come into your practice. Illustrate the precautions you are taking before, during, and after appointments.

Encourage interaction with your patients by using your dental social media pages to explain your new safety procedures and take questions from your followers on what to expect while visiting your office.

If you find that a patient does not feel ready to come back into the office, validate their concerns, and schedule an appointment for a later date. Express your gratitude and appreciation for them and assure them that their safety is your top priority.

Ways to address safety concerns on social media:

1. Make a virtual office walkthrough video and describe the patient experience with the changes you have made

2. Show behind the scenes of sanitization at your practice. Take photos or videos of you sanitizing your dental tools, instruments, door handles, chairs, etc.

3. Create a post explaining what PPE is and how it works to protect your patients.

4. Explain measures you are taking like staggering appointments or the removal of non-essential items in the practice.

5. Explain wait times for retainers, crowns, dentures, etc.

Being active on Facebook and Instagram is one of the best ways to keep in touch and strengthen relationships with patients during times of uncertainty and confusion. Communicate your thoughts and feelings, as well as your plan of action and safety procedures to your patients to build trust.

The post The Best Way For Dentists To Address Health & Safety Concerns appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

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