Tuesday, September 1, 2020

How To Get More Dental Social Media Engagement Than Ever

Whether your dental social media content is just scraping by, or you are on top of things and posting quality content that gets engagement (i.e. likes, comments, shares.) there is most definitely still room for growth!

Your patients’ perception of you and your office is directly influenced by what you post on social media. And, with more dental patients online than we have ever seen using social media to find a provider, (thank you, quarantine.) you’ve got to have a presence that makes your practice look fantastic.

Patients are looking for a practice that provides useful and entertaining information. Dental patients are more than willing to engage with their dental practice online. You’ve just got to give them a good reason to!

In this article, we will talk about how to boost your social media game and just how powerful it is when you do. We’ll also share some of our secrets about how to get your followers to engage with you. This article will help you understand how to outshine your competition with our best social media ideas for dentists. Click here for another simple tip to get more Facebook likes, comments, and shares.

There are countless reasons why dental social media should be a part of your overall marketing strategy. Social media for dentists can do many things to help your practice. The top three are:

  • It helps you attract more potential patients in your area.
  • It builds strong relationships and loyalty among current patients.
  • It solidifies the reputation you have in your community.

Although one of the main goals of dental social media marketing is to attract new patients, we all know it costs your practice more to get a new dental patient than to retain your current patients. That’s why we like to focus on marketing strategies that show your current patients that you care about them. Dental practices who show their patients that they care have more loyal patients and a higher retention rate. The purpose of dental social media is to show patients that you care about people, not just teeth.

There are many dental social media ideas out there. The truth is, many of them won’t attract attention and engagement. You don’t want to waste your time on social media content that doesn’t work.

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” -Andrew David, best-selling author, and keynote speaker.

So, you know that you need content that attracts new patients and fosters relationships with current patients. But, what does that content look like? How does your dental team find time to post content like that? That’s where the dental marketing experts step in.

Want to see your engagement skyrocket? With the My Social Practice’s High Engagement Pack, you’ll get 10 awesome dental post ideas designed to do just that. You’ll be surprised how much your dental social media can do for your practice with the right kind of content. Download it now below!

My Social Practice has been in the social media dental marketing industry for over 10 years. Trust us, we know how frustrating dental marketing can be. We’ve created a photo idea box that is specifically designed to build relationships with current patients, reach new patients, and create a great reputation for your practice. Steal our dental social media post ideas.

By posting fun and engaging content online, you boost retention and keep top-of-mind awareness. Our clients report increases of up to 30% in their new patient intake since starting to utilize social media. The materials we send you are specifically designed to celebrate your patients, introduce your team, showcase your practice culture, and ultimately bring in new dental patients. Everything that comes in your box is directed toward building trust and relationships with current and potential patients online.

The ideas in this download are just the beginning! We encourage you to talk to a dental social media expert to create a personalized marketing strategy for your practice.

Posting on social media is no longer optional for dentists. It is necessary for growth.

Dentists have found it so easy to work with My Social Practice because unlike traditional marketing agencies, we concentrate on the dental industry and the dental industry only.

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Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.

The post How To Get More Dental Social Media Engagement Than Ever appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

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