Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Enter Our Biggest Giveaway Ever and Grow Your Social Media Presence!

Show us what makes you the Most Interesting Dentist in the World and win a VIP trip to Las Vegas! Start by watching this video!

More prize and entry details on the official contest page!

PEOPLE LIKE TO DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE THEY KNOW — and one of the best ways to let people get to know you better is to simply share the things you love doing!

That’s why we’re making our biggest giveaway ever an opportunity for you to share your unique hobby, skill or hidden talent with your patients and fans! What makes you the Most Interesting Dentist in the World?

Post a video on your practice’s Facebook page and you’ll be entered to win some incredible prizes from My Social Practice, including a VIP trip to Las Vegas to attend the Dental Digital Marketing Conference this April.

Aside from a chance to win great prizes, simply sharing your entry video will build your practice’s online presence and help new patients find you. Here’s why!


Today’s Patients Want a Personal Connection

Let’s say that your favorite thing to do on the weekends is gardening, but you’ve never shared that fact on your practice’s social media pages. “What does gardening have to do with dentistry?” you might ask. Well, nothing. But sharing a post about your garden on your practice’s Facebook page says a lot about your ability to connect with people on a personal level.

And that connection is so vital because when it comes down to it, patients and potential patients don’t follow you on social media for the latest news about sealants and fluoride — they follow you because they want to get to know you and your team better. And when your posts give them an inside look at the personalities and interests of your team, you build the relationships that lead people to become new patients or recommend you to friends and family.

My Social Practice

The team at Aurentz Family Dental shared their passion for fitness!

There’s also a degree of transference that takes place in the minds of followers when you share the things you’re passionate about — such as gardening. The assumption is that if you’re this knowledgeable and dedicated in your hobbies, then you also likely provide the same consistency and attention to detail in everything you do — including the dental materials and procedures you use, the patient benefit-driven technologies you ascribe to, the way you respond and treat people, the CE you attend, etc. It’s a great way to build trust with the people who will help your practice thrive.

Plus, sharing about your interests is just fun for patients and team members! Time and time again our clients tell us “We were so surprised about how much our patients actually want to get to know us as people!”

My Social Practice

The Tulsa Braces team loves music, and they know their patients do too!


Share What Makes You Interesting and Enter to Win!

So check out the prize and entry details at mostinterestingdentist.com and think about what hobby, skill or hidden talent you would like to share with your patients and fans. Or, if you work with an awesome dentist, encourage them to enter! The deadline for submissions is coming up, so don’t delay!

Free Webinar: Keeping Social Media Marketing Fun and Consistent

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