Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Keeping Social Media Marketing Fun and Consistent


Wow! 2018 is right around the corner! Time to think about those new year’s resolutions — and your goals for growing your dental practice.

Along with those popular personal resolutions, like losing more weight and saving more money, we want to recommend a resolution for your practice’s social media marketing. That is, staying consistent!

Every month here at My Social Practice, we focus on a topic or two that we KNOW is CENTRAL to transforming and growing your practice using social media marketing. Our goal is ALWAYS to distill the very best thinking and tools — then make them applicable and practical for dental practices and available to YOU, our valued fans and clients.

During December, we’ll be talking about the importance of consistency.

What Makes Your Social Media Marketing Special Is You

For nearly nine years now, since we started My Social Practice, you’ve been hearing us say, “Social media marketing isn’t something you have, it’s something you do!

So, what does that mean? It means you can’t just build it and they’ll come! It doesn’t work that way. Attracting new patients and growing your practice isn’t something you can just “set and forget.” And you can’t just outsource this effort to some outside service. To be truly effective, you have to participate — and you have to be CONSISTENT in that participation.

And what we’ve noticed is that’s where a lot of practices hit a roadblock. When they don’t see the immediate results they want, or they start running out of post ideas, they quit. They just burn out and stop!

So here is a short overview of the four keys we’re going to be talking about during December to help you keep your social media new year’s resolution to stay consistent!


First, delegate.

You don’t need to hire an in-practice social media guru, but you DO need to delegate the responsibility to a designated “champion” to lead your team’s efforts. This DOESN’T need to be a “millennial” either! It just needs to be a team member who is willing to learn.

Second, prioritize.

You’re busy running a practice. We understand. There isn’t time to do EVERYTHING. But there is time to do the simplest, highest priority things. We’ll talk about what those things are, and how to get them done very quickly with very little brain damage.

Third, celebrate the tiniest victories.

Social media is SO unlike traditional advertising and marketing. Your success is typically NOT determined by appealing to, and targeting, the anonymous masses! Don’t make yourself crazy by comparing your early results to someone else’s! Just keep an eye on what’s working. Celebrate EVERY tiny Like, comment or share. Think baby steps!

And fourth, practice patience.

It takes time to grow a social media following. Even for well-established thought leaders and media companies, it can take months or years to build an audience for a podcast, YouTube channel, or other social media page.

Back when we started My Social Practice, practically NOBODY commented on our content, shared our blog posts, Liked our Facebook page, or made a comment. Sure! It was tempting to quit! But we just kept going in baby steps. YOU CAN TOO!

Following our strategies and advice, we constantly see average dental practices grow sizeable online audiences by simply exercising a little patience. There’s are no “magic bullets” in life, right? Everything we do in life, that really has value, takes time.


So, here’s what you need to do.

Subscribe to our blog to get all of the free downloadable materials, examples and training this month. And, be sure to register for our free webinar on this topic happening later this month.

And finally, again, whether you’re one of our valued clients or just one of our fantastic fans or followers, thank you for making My Social Practice part of your marketing efforts this past year. We look forward to the bringing you the best in social media strategy in 2018, and helping you build your practice in new, effective ways.

Free Webinar: Keeping Social Media Marketing Fun and Consistent

The post Keeping Social Media Marketing Fun and Consistent appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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