Thursday, January 30, 2020

5 Things Your Practice Website MUST Have for Dental Marketing Success

Dental Marketing

Your dental website is an integral part of your online presence and dental marketing efforts. Here’s how you can ensure it makes the right impression.

For businesses today, including your dental practice, a homepage is just as important to your dental marketing efforts (if not more so) than an actual physical storefront. With just a momentary glance, today’s consumers assume volumes about your practice, your team, and even the quality of your treatment.

If your dental website is outdated, difficult to navigate, or has poor design direction (or no direction at all), potential patients will also see your practice as outdated and inconvenient.

If it’s cleanly designed, content-rich and mobile-friendly, your practice website can begin to build relationships of trust with potential patients before they even give you a call. It’s a central part of your online presence and digital marketing efforts and can be one of your best tools to attract, educate, and retain the people who will most help your practice thrive.

My Social Practice understands how crucial it is for you to have a fast, modern, user-friendly dental website which is why we are offering free dental websites for clients who bundle with our award-winning social media service.

Here are five essential things you need in your dental website to make it a truly effective dental marketing tool:

5 Dental Marketing Essentials for Your Practice Website

1. Intuitive, Mobile-Friendly Design

People will search engines to find your website and will use a variety of devices, from phones and tablets to laptops and widescreen desktops. With over half of all internet searches coming from mobile devices, you need to make sure that however potential patients interact with your professional dental website, it’s easy to navigate and allows them to quickly find what they need.

Dental Maketing and Dental Websites

Of all of the elements mentioned in this post, this is where it’s most worth hiring some professional help. Unless you’re both a dentist AND a web design expert, don’t waste your time trying to hammer a free website template into something you can use, and don’t trust this essential part of your online presence to your nephew who “knows some code.”

Make the investment in a custom-designed professional dental website that showcases what makes you special and enhances your dental marketing efforts.

2. Emphasis on the Human Side of Your Practice

Think nobody’s going to look at your “About Us” page? Think again! The About page is typically one of the most-visited parts of a dental website. Take advantage of this valuable dental marketing opportunity to build trust and share your practice’s story.

Your About page is a great way to introduce potential patients to your team and practice culture. Having an individual photo and short bio for each team member creates connections with potential patients — before they ever call or visit your practice! Update these bios periodically or as team members join and leave.

Dental Marketing for Dentist

The bottom line is people like to do business with people they know. And in dentistry, where relationships are especially important, a strategically personal online presence offers doctors and their teams unprecedented opportunities to connect with patients and prospective patients on a meaningful level. This is an essential part of great dental websites.

3. Consistent New Content

What do we mean by “consistency” in your online presence? Primarily, it’s making regular attempts to connect authentically with your audience by posting high-quality content, such as blog posts, and responding to readers’ interaction.

There’s a degree of transference that takes place in patients’ minds with practices that consistently provide new content in their dental marketing efforts. The assumption is that if you’re consistent and reliable in providing relevant, educational, honest human content through your online presence, then you also likely provide the same consistency and leading-edge standards in everything you do — including the dental materials and procedures you use, the patient benefit-driven technologies you ascribe to, the way you respond and treat people, the CE you attend, etc.

My Social Practice has great dental marketing ideas and makes it easy by providing subscribers a new, professionally written dental blog post every week.

4. Highly Visible Social Proof

What others are saying online about your practice has an enormous influence on the level of trust you inspire in existing patients and prospective new patients. Which is why the best dental websites in 2020 provide plenty of social proof on their pages. In the case of your dental practice, building this “social proof” is one of the best things you can do attract new patients and retain the ones of you have.

One of the easiest ways to provide social proof in a highly visible way is to feature your dental patient reviews on your website from popular reviews platforms such as Facebook and Google.

dental marketing

With a dental website from My Social Practice, it’s simple to feature positive patient reviews where people will see them, and negative reviews are immediately passed on to you so you can follow up with the patient.

5. Calls to Action

Ask yourself what you want people to do when they visit each page of your dental website and then give them a clear path to do it that is immediately visible. For example, upon reaching your homepage, do you want people to make an appointment? Then make sure there is a button in the top section of your homepage that says “Request an Appointment.”

Or if one of your pages is explaining how you do smile makeovers, place a button that says “Schedule Free Consultation” perhaps in the middle and at the end.

The more quickly and easily you can allow someone to progress from learning to taking action, the more effective your dental marketing will be. The best dental websites turn website visitors into patients with strong calls to action.

Get a Gorgeous, Blazing-Fast Website for Your Dental Practice

Whether you don’t yet have a website or you’re looking to upgrade, My Social Practice provides a turnkey dental website solution and marketing plan that will make your practice look fantastic. Plus, you get a free dental website (a $4,000 value) when you bundle with My Social Practice’s social media service. Learn more and request a demo to see how a gorgeous, blazing-fast dental website will help turn your online presence into your best tool for attracting and retaining ideal patients.

The post 5 Things Your Practice Website MUST Have for Dental Marketing Success appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

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