Wednesday, January 22, 2020

[VIDEO] Dentists NEED to Be on This Social Media Platform in 2020

Instagram is shaping up to be the star social media platform of 2020, with unmatched user base growth, high engagement, and powerful storytelling tools. Here’s how you can start taking advantage of Instagram’s incredible potential to grow your dental practice.

Dental professionals, you need to be present where your patients and potential patients are spending their time online, and in 2020, there’s no question that more of them than ever are going to be on Instagram.

Instagram is the fastest-growing social media platform, with over a billion monthly active users. While other platforms are seeing their growth level out, Instagram’s continues to skyrocket. With fun and innovative new features like stories, new photo filters, and shoppable posts, it’s attracting high-engagement users who are looking for more interactive experiences.

Need a crash course in effective Instagram marketing for dentists? There was an amazing talk by one of My Social Practice’s founders at the 2019 Dental Digital Marketing Conference!

For businesses, Instagram is one of the most powerful storytelling platforms of all social media, so if you haven’t yet created an Instagram account for your dental practice, today’s the day to do it. Then, check out these simple ways you can start using Instagram to attract and retain patients online.

Create Instagram Content That Highlights Your Team

Patients and fans follow your practice on social media not just for dental content, but to get to know you better. Build a more compelling Instagram page by focusing on the personalities and interests and of your team members!

Our client practices consistently report that one of the best ways to kickstart social media engagement is by sharing photos of team members. When patients become familiar with your team and are engaged on a personal level in return, you strengthen the relationships that allow your practice to thrive.

You can get started by cross-posting content from your practice’s Facebook page, but you’ll want to start using Instagram stories as soon as possible.

Instagram stories give you the freedom to experiment with different types of posts, because they only last 24 hours. Experts predict that stories will become the primary way that social media users interact with content in 2020, so start making stories, and get seen by patients and potential patients.

Support Your Instagram Page With In-Practice Efforts

Set a follower goal with your team, and start bringing up your Instagram page with your patients. You’ll be surprised at how effective it is to simply ask, “We’re trying to hit a follower goal for our Instagram page this month. Would you please help us out?”

Running a small giveaway is another great way you can get an initial kickstart of followers for your Instagram page.

Also, print out your Instagram Nametag and place it somewhere patients can see it to make it easy for them to follow you.

Learn From Practices That Found Social Media Success

Need some inspiration for your practice’s Instagram page? Click the link below to download a free ebook showcasing how practices just like yours found success on social media in 2019.

Then, talk with an expert from My Social Practice about a personalized social media marketing plan that uses Instagram to grow your practice.

Ready for a quick demo of our social media service? Fill out the form below.


The post [VIDEO] Dentists NEED to Be on This Social Media Platform in 2020 appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

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