Thursday, September 14, 2017

Boost Engagement With Dental Campaigns and Contests

Social media engagement from patients and fans grows your dental practice’s audience and gives you top-of-mind awareness. But with so many posts flooding followers’ feeds, sometimes you need to give them a compelling reason to interact with your content.

An important measure of the effectiveness of a social media post is how much engagement it gets. Whether it’s Likes, shares, comments, or clicks, these types of engagement signal to other users and Facebook’s content algorithm that what you’re posting is worth people’s attention. Thus, engagement leads to MORE engagement as more people take notice of a post and Facebook displays it to a wider audience.

Getting consistent engagement on your posts helps ensure that your fans continue seeing your posts — keeping you at the top of their minds — and your practice’s name reaches more of the people most likely to become new patients.

Engagement is crucial to growing a business with social media, so one of the most important questions is “how do we get our fans to interact with what we post?” The answer certainly isn’t tacking “Please Like and comment!” to the end of everything you post. Mostly, it just comes down to regularly sharing things that are useful, relevant to followers’ interests, or just something that makes them smile!


However, quality content alone doesn’t always guarantee engagement. So, occasionally you can take a more strategic approach: run a campaign or contest to give fans a clear reason to Like, share, or comment on a post.

People love the opportunity to win a prize or support a good cause just by interacting with a social media post! Even the chance to win a $10 gift card or have your practice donate a can to a local food bank is enough to get patients and fans to Like, comment and share.

The reason we recommend doing this only occasionally is because you don’t want patients and fans to feel as though your social media pages only exist to “farm” Likes. Repeatedly asking for engagement can annoy fans and cause them to unfollow.

Done correctly, practice contests and campaigns can do wonders for increasing your audience and online visibility, especially if you’re just starting out on social media.

Small Giveaways Are Great Social Media Icebreakers

If there’s one thing none of us can resist, it’s an easy opportunity to win a cool prize. So, if you feel like your marketing efforts have fallen into a rut, mixing a few small giveaways into your social media routine is the perfect way to spark some engagement!

Plus, you don’t have to spend a lot on prizes. You’ll get much the same results with a $10 prize as with a $50 one. Taking note of this, many of our client practices give away a small prize every week — some call it “Win It Wednesday” — and only spend $40 per month on prizes, a small part of their marketing budget that offers great returns.

So get creative with your team and brainstorm some small prizes that fans would appreciate and fun ways to enter to win. Promotions give patients and fans a good reason to stay engaged with your social media pages and share your practice with family and friends. Also, check out these essential tips to running a giveaway that helps you accomplish your marketing goals.


Give Patients and Fans a Reason to Engage

Here’s what one of our recent Practice of the Month winners had to say about the success they’ve found with campaigns and contests:

“Call-to-action posts are the ones that are most successful for us, even if the content does not include a giveaway. People like commenting on our posts when there is an end goal that they can help accomplish through their interaction.”
—Kathy Graham, Treman & Treman Family Dental Care

So as you build your social media mix, make sure to include some posts that ask followers to Like, share or comment — and give them a good reason to participate. Earning consistent engagement will keep your practice’s name showing up in the news feeds of your patients, fans, and ideal potential patients.

Find out more about how smart digital marketing helps new patients find you by requesting a free demo of our social media services!

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The post Boost Engagement With Dental Campaigns and Contests appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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