Friday, September 29, 2017

Our September Practice of the Month — Aurentz Family Dental!

Congratulations to our September Practice of the Month — Aurentz Family Dental!

This month, we’re proud to share with you the story of Aurentz Family Dental — just like their patients are sharing it with their friends! After only about a year in business, this team is already outclassing their local competition in terms of patient reviews and online visibility.

Knowing that over 90 percent of consumers use social media and online reviews to make decisions about local businesses, Aurentz Family Dental has kicked off their practice’s growth by focusing on the most important marketing tasks first.

We reached out to the owner of Aurentz Family Dental, Dr. Keisha Aurentz, for her thoughts on how social media marketing has helped her build her new practice. What can you apply in your own office?


Q&A With Practice Owner, Dr. Keisha Aurentz

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of using social media in your practice?

“I have been very surprised at how many great reviews we have gotten so quickly! I am so grateful that patients have been willing to take the time out of their busy days to write a review. I have My Social Practice to thank for making the review process so user-friendly for patients!”

Which of your posts have sparked the most engagement from fans and potential patients?

“I have seen the most success with patient pictures. I have even had patients come in and say they scheduled an appointment because they saw a picture of a friend of theirs on my Facebook page!

What are the biggest ways digital marketing benefits your practice?

“It gives patients a great way to let us know their honest opinion through reviews, and another way for us to spread the word about our practice! My practice is less than a year old and social media marketing has helped us reach more people quicker!”

What’s the biggest challenge of social media for you?

“Coming up with content for our Facebook page. Thankfully, My Social Practice has a ton of great post ideas to choose from, and we make an effort to post a team or patient photo daily. It helps people get to know us on a more personal level. Patients are always commenting on how cute one of our posts was or how much they love the Social Signs!”

What advice would you give to a dental practice just starting with digital marketing?

“I would tell them to utilize every aspect of My Social Practice’s services: blog content, Social Signs, campaigns, email blasts, etc. I have found reviews and emailing to be most helpful to my practice. And it all takes me less than three hours a week.”

Thank you for your stamp of approval, Dr. Aurentz! We’re so impressed with how much you’ve grown your practice’s online visibility in such a short time! We look forward to seeing how you continue to use our content and tools to help new patients find you.


Social media marketing doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. As social platforms continue to evolve, using them to grow your business is less about technical know-how and SEO tricks and more about simply creating engaging, shareable content that sparks interaction.

So even if you have little or no digital marketing experience, there’s never been a better time to start building your dental practice’s online presence. Request a free demo of our services and we’d love to show you step-by-step how to do it!

FREE EBOOK: Build Your Dental Digital Marketing in Minutes a Day!

The post Our September Practice of the Month — Aurentz Family Dental! appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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