Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Our August Practice of the Month — Arizona Dental Heights!

Congratulations to our August Practice of the Month — Arizona Dental Heights!

One of the most important realizations in dental social media marketing is this: most of your patients are actually willing to be your practice’s greatest advocates! But they won’t help if you don’t ask. By making it easy and fun for patients to share about you on social media (through things like Facebook posts and Google reviews), you reach the people most likely to become new patients — their family and friends.

The team at Arizona Dental Heights makes involving patients and creating their own shareable content a group effort, and it’s paying off remarkably! Since starting with My Social Practice a few months ago, they have tripled their Facebook audience, doubled their Google and Facebook patient reviews, and built relationships in their community. It just goes to show that once your team fully commits to helping new patients find you through social media, you can begin to see results almost immediately.

We reached out to Rebecca Michael, marketer and hostess for Arizona Dental Heights, for some insight about which social strategies and activities are working best for them. Take the opportunity to learn something and apply it in your own practice!


Q&A With Arizona Dental Heights Marketer Rebecca Michael

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

Since you started using social media in your practice, what has been the biggest surprise? The one thing you just weren’t expecting?

“We have been most pleasantly surprised with the interest shown by our patients regarding spreading the word about our fantastic dentist, office and staff. Our patients are genuinely interested in helping our practice grow and provide care to their friends and neighbors.”

Which social media tools have you seen the most success with?

“The cute animal videos provided by My Social Practice have been popular, and we boost them on Facebook. The biggest success that we have had thus far is a video we made in the office of our entire staff doing a ‘floss race.’ We set the video as our Facebook page cover and also used it for a paid page promotion. This has resulted in hundreds of new page followers!”

How has social media affected your patient-practice relations?

“Our patients feel that they know us better now, and that when they recommend us to their family, friends or coworkers, they are confident they will have a great experience.”

What do you feel has been the biggest benefit of social media marketing for your practice thus far?

“As a result of our social media marketing efforts with My Social Practice, our patients feel more confident in the care they receive and we have more patients calling our office because they see our Facebook ads and content. They’re great reminders for people to call and schedule appointments. We’ve tripled our Facebook audience, and patients are helping us market our office because now they know how to help. They already love Dr. Hatch and now they have more ways to spread the word about their great dentist.”

What do you and your team do in the office to move your social media efforts forward?

“Our team has a morning huddle. We use that time to identify the patients that we would like to ask for a text review or take a funny themed photo. Also, we talk about who would be most willing to give out a referral card. Everyone knows their assignment, so that no single staff member feels that they are doing it all by themselves or feel burdened.”

What advice would you give to a practice just starting out on social media?

“It’s trial and error, and more TRIAL! Ask yourself whether you would respond to a certain post or video before you spend money to boost or promote it. Utilize the many training videos that My Social Practice has available to us anytime night or day. Watch what others are doing and don’t be afraid to try it.”


Rebecca also mentioned that their team is still working on getting everyone comfortable with bringing up social media and reviews during patient appointments. We understand! Becoming a social practice requires a change in mindset and daily effort! Check out our blog post for an exercise that can help you along.

We’ve been so thrilled to see the great work Arizona Dental Heights has done in-practice and online in the short time they’ve been with us! We wish them continued success and growth as they refine their social media marketing tactics, strengthen patient relationships, and build practice culture.

10 Awesome Dental Practices

The post Our August Practice of the Month — Arizona Dental Heights! appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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