Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Easy Giving Opportunities That Work Great With Social Media

My Social Practice

For dental teams, perhaps the biggest roadblock to giving is thinking you need a lot of time and planning to start. Not so! Here are some simple ideas you can use to start build a giving culture in your practice today.

There are a lot of reasons to make giving a central part of your dental team culture: it makes you more appealing to potential patients, builds unity, and raises local awareness of your practice.

And when we say “giving,” we’re not just referring to donating to charities. We’re talking about everything you do to demonstrate that you care about the total well-being of your patients, team members, and your community at large.

My Social Practice

Mori Orthodontics and their awesome patients made a donation to their local pet adoption center!

There are a lot of small, simple ways to show you care — and many of them are great for sharing on social media! Take these ideas and create some posts for your practice’s pages that patients and fans will love!


1. Express gratitude to everyone you speak with in the practice today

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”


It may not seem like much, but a true transformation of practice culture starts with individual decisions to be grateful. Expressing gratitude brings a certain spirit into your practice. It will make your team more approachable and positive.

Giving thanks in person and on social media to the people that allow your business to thrive will help you connect with them on a personal, emotional level. It’s this kind of connection that leads your patients, team and colleagues to share your practice with family and friends.

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2. Show empathy by asking for and implementing feedback

“Giving” doesn’t necessarily mean that you never receive reimbursement for what you do. But it DOES mean that you focus on providing the BEST VALUE first, not selling. And one of the best ways to show that focus is by listening to and acting on what patients tell you. Showing that you care about the thoughts and feelings of others (your patients) is empathy, and it’s a powerful way to build relationships.

Also, this principle doesn’t just apply to patient relationships, it’s essential for dealing with team members as well. Formally or informally, sit down with each team member to gauge their feelings about the practice and talk about how to improve results. Through empathetic team member engagement, you can create a pathway to greater success.

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3. Recognize a Patient of the Day or Team Member of the Day

People feel appreciated when you get to know them personally and remember their likes, dislikes and personal accomplishments. Make a patient the star of your practice for the day by snapping and sharing a photo with them on social media! Include one or two interesting things you’ve learned about them in the post.

It’s a small, simple way to show that your team is focused on building lifelong healthcare relationships and going the extra mile for your patients. You can obtain written permission to share the photo with this free downloadable HIPAA consent form.

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4. Show patient appreciation with a small giveaway

Doing frequent, small prize giveaways is an excellent way to show patient appreciation and build goodwill! Even the chance to win a $10 gift card is enough for fans to take notice and share with friends — which helps new patients find you.

Plan your giveaway around your patients’ needs and interests, as well as your practice growth objectives. Even your choice of prize can demonstrate your connection to your patients and community. Is there a unique restaurant or bakery that people in your city love? Give away a $10 gift card and let someone enjoy a lunch on you. Are your patients excited for a new movie coming out? Give away a couple of tickets!

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Once you feel like your team can handle a larger giving project, consider one of My Social Practice’s easy-to-run campaigns! We’ll send you everything you need to get started in one convenient box. Support worthy causes and give patients a good reason to share your practice with family and friends!

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The post Easy Giving Opportunities That Work Great With Social Media appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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