Thursday, November 9, 2017

Using Botox and dermal fillers to fill holes in your dental practice schedule

I have two quick questions for you to consider. First, are you busy? Second, are you able to handle more capacity in your office? In other words, are you capable of seeing more patients with the office structure that you have in place right now?

Dentists tell me all the time that they are just not busy enough. They say they have full-time practices, yet their schedules still have significant holes. They have the capacity to see more patients but can’t seem to get their chairs filled. On top of this, these dentists are bored with dentistry. The first thing I ask is what services they are offering to patients. The answer I typically get is “everything.”

Now the fun begins. I question these dentists further. Do you do crown and bridge and restorative dentistry? “Of course.” Do you do endodontics? “No, I never really liked endo.” Do you do orthodontics? “No, I couldn’t figure out the wire bending or aligners.” How about cosmetic dentistry? “Sure, I do a couple of veneer cases a year.” Do you place implants? “No, surgery always scared me, but I restore them sometimes.” What about Botox and dermal fillers? “No, I know my patients want Botox, and my team wants to learn, but I haven’t gotten around to it.”

Figure 1: Before and after photos show how Botox and dermal fillers were used for facial volumization and gummy smile treatment as an alternative to surgical procedures.

Figure 1: Before and after photos show how Botox and dermal fillers were used for facial volumization and gummy smile treatment as an alternative to surgical procedures.

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