Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to Reach Ideal Potential Patients Using Facebook Audience Targeting

My Social Practice

The founders of Facebook burned through millions of dollars for years, growing it into one of the most valuable marketing channels in the world. Now, you can use their incredible audience targeting tools to reach ideal potential patients!

There’s no getting around it: Building your dental practice on social media is now pay-to-play. Organic reach of business page posts continues to decline. However, with the price of entry come incredible opportunities to attract ideal new patients as well as retain the ones you have. Making small, smart investments in promoting your content to specific, targeted audiences is the new reality of social media marketing, and the faster you embrace it, the faster new patients can start finding you.

Even if your page is starting with a small number of fans, make audience targeting and paid social a central part of your online marketing strategy. As you create share-worthy content and invest in its promotion to the right people, you’ll build your online presence and create advocates for your practice. Start small and be consistent.

It’s time to bring your marketing strategy up to date with the new pay-to-play reality of social media. It provides incredible opportunities to connect with the people that will allow your practice to thrive, in ways that traditional advertising just can’t match.


4 Easy Steps to Getting Started With Facebook Audience Targeting

1. Create an ad account in your Facebook business manager

Open your Business Manager Settings. Select which Business Manager you’d like to work on. Under the People and Assets tab, click “Ad Accounts.” On the right side of the page, click “Add New Ad Accounts.” Choose “Create a new ad account.”

2. Create an audience of your current patients

Open your audience settings within your Facebook ad account. Click on “Create Audience” on the left and choose “Custom Audience.” Click on “Customer File.” You can then upload a CSV file of your patient email list, and it will match those email addresses with Facebook users. It’s the easiest, fastest way to target the people who will help your practice grow.

3. Choose Facebook posts suitable for promotion

Promote posts that showcase your practice culture and encourage sharing. These might be things like team photos, “Like Challenges,” contests and giveaways, or charity campaigns. Videos from your practice are also ideal for boosting. Also, be careful when boosting images with text on them, as Facebook may limit their reach to help provide a better user experience.

4. Promote content to your patients and ideal potential patients

Now, whenever you post something to your practice’s Facebook page using the Business Manager, you’ll see a “Boost Post” button in the bottom right. From there, you can boost the visibility of your post among your custom audiences, or using Facebook’s robust demographic and geographic targeting options. Promote posts to your fans, their friends, and locals, (especially parents). Start by boosting your practice’s best post of the week for $5 and see how much it enhances its reach. From there, decide how much your marketing budget will allow. The most important thing is that you remain consistent.


Need help creating posts that you can promote to your practice’s target audiences? My Social Practice clients have access to the world’s largest library of dental-themed social content and post ideas! Get a free demo of our Publisher tool today, and download our free ebook below for more strategies and actionable advice!

My Social Practice

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