Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The 3 Things I’ve Learned About Dental Marketing You HAVE to Know

IN SEPTEMBER OF 2008 I attended an event in Las Vegas called Blogworld & New Media Expo. It was the second time this event was held, and social media’s popularity was just beginning to emerge. I remember truly sensing a revolution in the making, but little did I know what a paradigm shift it would bring to dental marketing.

Some of the people around me were tweeting. I had no idea what that was… and when I checked into it, frankly, I thought it was the dumbest thing I’d ever seen. “How on Earth could this be useful,” I thought.

I opened an account anyway (because I didn’t want to feel left out) and became approximately the 16 millionth registered user with this first tweet:

From that day I would be inspired, fueled, and consumed by this new media revolution — and in particular, its application to dental marketing — for nearly the next decade.


In preparation for a recent speaking opportunity I asked myself, “If a dentist asked you to list the three most important things you’ve learned about dental marketing, how would you reply?” As I worked to answer that question I distilled, and distilled. Here’s what I came up with…

1. Today, ALL Dental Marketing Is Digital Marketing

Dental marketing has changed forever. In the old days, consumers had limited choices, limited places to buy goods and services, limited messages to pay attention to, and they believed advertising. Not today.

People don’t pay attention to traditional advertising anymore. They “opt in” to the messages they want to receive. And according to a recent Nielsen study, 84% of smartphone and tablet owners use their devices as second-screens while watching TV. I’m one of them. I can’t remember the last time I watched TV without a second screen in my hands… Whether that was my laptop, iPad or smartphone. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I watched live TV and sat through the commercials. Maybe you’re the same way.

Your patients and prospective patients constantly move between the online and offline worlds. And social media has become DEEPLY embedded in this very fluid space.

Regardless of how someone first hears about your practice, marketing your practice almost immediately becomes digital and social. If someone recommends your practice over lunch, or receives your direct mail postcard, the first thing that happens is the smartphone comes out of the purse and your practice is checked out. Even when you make a treatment recommendation inside your practice, patients will use social media to ask their trusted friends about those recommendations—and about you.

A pediatric dentist and client of ours, Dr. Mitzi Hines, recently wrote us a note about this very thing. “We get new patients from social media, but that’s not the best part. There are lots of people out there who are looking at our Facebook page to find out what we’re ‘really like’ before they bring their son or daughter in for their first visit. Whether they hear about us from a referring dentist or from other advertising, we know almost everyone is ‘checking us out’ on Facebook.”


Which brings me to the second important thing I’ve learned about social media dental marketing…

2. Social Media Favors Small, Local Businesses — Like Your Dental Practice

Nike has 30 million Likes on their Facebook page. But typically when they post content the amount of interaction they get is proportionally low. When they recently posted about a half marathon, 684 people Liked the post and 70 people commented… Which at first glance seems pretty good, until you do the math. As a percentage of their fan base, very few people Liked the post and an even smaller percentage commented.

Contrast that with a dental practice example where the practice asked their fans to guess the date when their hygienist would deliver her baby. 21 people Liked the post and 68 people commented. Again, when you do the math, you begin to see the significant difference between the proportional level of interaction on big corporate pages vs. small business pages.

Small businesses — like your dental practice — are relationship based. Big corporations aren’t. And this brings me to the third thing I’ve learned:

3. Effective Dental Marketing Is About People, Not Media

Whoever started using the word “media” to describe social media really messed it all up for everyone and made it all very confusing. I understand what it means to be in business, and the importance of measuring the effectiveness of your marketing spend. But while big businesses earmark tens of millions of dollars crunching numbers in an effort to attribute some arbitrary dollar value to a fan, savvy small business owners seem to already “get it.” They intuitively understand the monetary value of having strengthened relationships with their customers… Especially given the tiny amount of monetary expenditure necessary to maintain and strengthen those relationships.

When you use social media as a stage for communicating your own unique practice story, through people, and through valued relationships, profound and unexplainable changes start to happen. For small businesses — like your dental practice — social media dental marketing provides a simple, systematic way to reinforce to your patients, members of your team, your community, and to YOU, that what you do each day matters. That dentistry isn’t just a commodity. That the way you practice dentistry each day makes a difference… Which in turn strengthens relationships, trust, loyalty, referrals, case acceptance and patient retention.

Effective dental marketing, especially on social media, now belongs to those dentists who care about other people, who are awake to the opportunity dental social media marketing provides, and who believe in their gut that better relationships matter. Embrace what this revolution can do for your practice. Embrace what this revolution can do for you personally.

Social Proof Ebook

The post The 3 Things I’ve Learned About Dental Marketing You HAVE to Know appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Our January Practice of the Month — Oak Ridge Dental Arts!

Congratulations to our January Practice of the Month — Oak Ridge Dental Arts!

Looking for inspiration on how to get your team members and patients more involved in social media? Look no further than Oak Ridge Dental Arts!

They use Social Signs, props, giveaways, and campaigns to create a fun practice environment that gets people involved and sharing. And when patients post, their friends and family see the great experience they had, introducing more new people to the practice!

But the most important thing they do to get patients to participate is this: they just ask! You may not fully believe it yet, but patients who love your practice want to help your business thrive! Two of the best ways they can do that are:

  1. Snapping a photo at your practice and sharing it to their own social media accounts
  2. Writing a review on Google, Facebook or Healthgrades

Because over 80 percent of adults are on Facebook, you should never assume someone doesn’t want to participate because they don’t seem like “the social media type.” You might be surprised by the patients who turn out to be your practice’s best advocates. But in order for them to spread the word, you have to present them with the opportunity to do so!


We reached out to the office manager for Oak Ridge Dental Arts, Leslie Burgin, for some insight on which social media tools have been most effective in helping them build relationships and attract new patients. Take something to apply in your own practice!

Q&A With Office Manager Leslie Burgin

(Responses edited for length and clarity.)

What has been the biggest surprise of social media marketing for you?

“We were surprised when My Social Practice featured our Boomerang video on your Facebook page! That inspired us to be more creative and do more videos in the practice. If we had to give one piece of advice to practices starting out on social media, we’d say share lots of photos and videos! Having fun props and signs to take photos with also helps get patients participating.”

How have your social media efforts benefited your practice the most?

“The number one benefit to our practice comes when patients share their experience at our practice through social media. This way, social media marketing gets our name out in a positive way to as many people as possible. Happy patients post something on Facebook from our practice, and all their friends and family see. This brings in new patients.”

What do you regularly do in the office to move your marketing efforts forward?

“Other than taking pictures and videos, we have had success with contests and giveaways, and asking patients to write us a review.

What kind of feedback about your social media have you gotten from patients?

“Patients of all ages have fun snapping and sharing photos, and they love the signs and props that we get from My Social Practice. Our social media efforts help make the patient experience fun from beginning to end. Patients don’t see participating in our social media as advertising. They see it as having fun with friends.


Leslie also mentioned that the hardest part of social media is finding the time to post something every day. “Our office is really busy when we have multiple doctors here,” she told us. “We get so caught up in staying on time and keeping our patients happy that it can be hard to focus on taking pics and videos to post.”

It’s true that it can be difficult to find the time to post something daily. But our easy-to-use Publisher app makes it simple! My Social Practice clients have access to the world’s largest library of dental-related social media content, with images and pre-written captions you can customize to fit your audience. Plus, you can schedule posts in advance to go out to your accounts when you choose! Get a free demo of the Publisher today!

Social Proof Ebook

The post Our January Practice of the Month — Oak Ridge Dental Arts! appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

3 Dental Facebook Posts You Should Make This Week

“Why would anyone follow their dentist on Facebook?”

For practices approaching social media marketing for the first time, this is a question they often ask us. On the surface, teeth and oral hygiene might not seem like what people want to read about on social media. But the best strategies for creating engaging dental Facebook posts apply here just as much as anywhere else: make it relevant, personal, useful and fun!

When you provide content that makes your practice worth following, you introduce your team and culture to more potential patients, and you build relationships with current patients, helping you boost retention.


Here are three ideas for fun dental Facebook posts you can try this week:

1: Show Off a New Piece of Practice Equipment

Most people who visit the dentist have no idea what all the different machines and tools in the office are for. Create an interesting and educational dental Facebook post by briefly explaining how a piece of dental technology helps you better serve patients! Here’s an example from the practice of Dr. Greg Potempa:

2: Post a Healthy Hygiene Team Photo

We’ve seen that a great way to kickstart engagement with your dental Facebook posts is to include a photo of your team! It gives fans and potential patients a look into your practice culture and helps them connect with you on a personal level. Grab some props from around the office like toothbrushes, boxes of floss and tubes of toothpaste and snap a group photo. Tag your team members in the photo and upload it to Facebook! We love how the team at All Family Dental did it:

3: Create a Two-Minute Tour Video

According to a study by Colgate, as many as 30 to 40 million people in the USA alone avoid the dentist because of fear and anxiety. Show potential patients how welcoming and comfortable your practice is by taking them on a quick virtual tour! One of the best tools you have for your dental Facebook posts is Facebook Live on the Facebook smartphone app. With the app, you can easily create a live broadcast which will be automatically posted to your page as a video afterward! This one from Lifetime Smiles is a great example:

Being active on Facebook is one of the best ways to keep in touch and strengthen relationships with patients after they’ve walked out your door.

Your social media efforts should focus on providing value to patients — it could be by teaching them something new about hygiene, advising them of oral health dangers, or just simply making them smile! By getting creative with your team and considering patients’ needs, you can turn even the simplest dental Facebook post — like a reminder to brush and floss — into a showcase of your team and practice culture.

Tired of searching endlessly for something interesting to put on Facebook? My Social Practice clients get post ideas like this delivered to their inboxes every weekday morning, including post images, videos, links, and downloadable Social Signs! We make it easy to create a consistent feed of varied and shareable content that will make fans want to interact with you. Request a demo today!

  Download More Dental Practice Post Ideas!

The post 3 Dental Facebook Posts You Should Make This Week appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Facebook’s Changes Are Nothing New — My Social Practice’s Approach Continues to Be the Solution

A Facebook announcement this past week panicked a few social media pundits. But for those who are sensitive to, and carefully monitor social media marketing trends the announcement wasn’t a surprise — organic reach for typical businesses’ posts will continue to decline, while meaningful, share-worthy content will continue to flourish even more.

If there’s one constant in social media marketing, it’s change. Social media is a young medium, and social media platforms are constantly evolving and experimenting to be more useful, enjoyable, efficient and effective.

But here at My Social Practice, we’ve always preached the same sermon. “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” Or, in English, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

A recent announcement from Mark Zuckerberg outlined Facebook’s next steps in their efforts to provide a better user experience, which can be summed up as this:

  1. Facebook users will organically see fewer posts from business pages.
  2. Content that sparks meaningful conversations between people will have a better chance of appearing higher in users’ news feeds.

Some of those panicked digital marketing gurus are calling this “the end of business pages on Facebook.” And for some types of businesses that don’t truly understand how social media really works, they may be right. But as far as this announcement applies to and affects our clients, fans, and followers we’re calling the gurus’ reactions vast overreactions. We view the announcement as another huge reinforcement and support for the things that smart practices are already doing to grow flourishing businesses using social media marketing. Remember, social media marketing is not advertising — even on Facebook.

Organic Reach Has Been Declining for Years

This is nothing new — the writing has been on the wall for a long time. The organic reach of business page posts has been falling sharply since 2014. Today, it’s about 1 percent. For businesses who have had their ear to the ground, it’s no surprise. Boring, impersonal posts with no engagement — and particularly those that attempt to sell or promote — didn’t grow businesses through social media before. Nor will they today, or in the future.

Facebook continues to crack down on spammy, low-quality, feed-cluttering posts, and clear the way for meaningful content that users actually enjoy seeing — the type of content we’ve been helping practices learn to create for many years now. Today, in light of these continued announcements, your practice’s engaging, high-quality posts will likely have an even better chance of being seen and shared by patients and fans, especially when coupled with a modest boosting strategy and an understanding of the value of patient-generated content.

Remember, the best social media marketing strategies don’t rely on your organic reach anyway! Our practice campaigns and Photo Booth program give patients a reason to post a photo from your practice to their own Facebook accounts, where friends, family and colleagues are most likely to see them.

Smart Strategies for an Engagement-Based Future

My Social Practice is laser-focused on helping your dental practice build a flourishing, vibrant, online presence — one that doesn’t rely on exploiting pitchy “advertising tricks” that social media platforms like Facebook are identifying and suppressing.

So, in light of Facebook’s announcement, should you be doing anything differently starting today? We suggest taking the opportunity to double-check your Facebook strategy to ensure your page is ready for an engagement-based future. Start by asking yourself these three questions (and check out these free resources):

1. Is what we’re posting to our Facebook page share-worthy? First and foremost, the way to building a strong social media presence is simply to provide content that is worth people’s time. Learn the fundamentals of creating quality content in our free ebook below:

2. Do we understand why and how to boost a post? Paid social continues to be the best value for your advertising dollar. Build a content promotion strategy that works for your practice with our free guide:

3. Are we encouraging at least one patient per day to snap and share a photo from our practice? Patient-generated content has tremendous marketing power. When a patient posts a photo from your practice to their own account, they introduce your practice to family and friends who trust their recommendations. Find out the easiest ways to encourage patient posting in this free ebook:

Through these changes, the keys to effectively marketing your practice online remain the same: be consistent, be human, and provide engaging, share-worthy content.

Over the coming weeks and months, stay in close touch with us here at My Social Practice. We’re constantly monitoring the social media marketing landscape. It’s what we think about all day. Our goal is to distill the most valuable, applicable strategies from all the “noise” for our valued clients, fans and followers, and to best advise you on effective ways your practice can benefit. Onward!

Free Webinar: Build Trust in Your Practice Through Social Proof

The post Facebook’s Changes Are Nothing New — My Social Practice’s Approach Continues to Be the Solution appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing for Dental & Dental Specialty Practices.

To remove a fractured implant body via Piezosurgery and Re-implant + GBR

Ridge Preservation w Bone graft / CT graft / + Socket Seal w Free Gingival graft + Provisional Crown


Atraumatic extraction

CT graft harvesting from tuberosity mucosa

Extending CT graft

Fixing the CT graft for thickening mucosa

Bone grafting

Socket seal w Free gingival graft

Provisional crown 


postSx 1 wk

postSx 2 month

postSx 4.5 Mo

Provisional bridge 

Bridge delivering

Final restoration (by Dr 范姜如君)

Final restorations 2 Mo

Post Restoration 18Mo
