Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Get your team on board with CAD/CAM and same-visit crowns: Add digital dentistry with a S.M.I.L.E.

Change is generally associated with a sense of fear—fear of the unknown. But what if there were a way to ensure change would expedite goals, meaning minimal disruption to your flow, your schedule, your team, and that expectations could be exceeded? If you knew all of this in advance, would you engage in change with less hesitation and more excitement? I’ll bet you would!

To engage your team in adding digital dentistry, you must take a look in the mirror and ask yourself honestly if you smile. S.M.I.L.E. is an acronym for: Share, Motivate, Invest, Lead, and Empower.

Before you sign on the dotted line, it is important to share your vision to go digital with your team. Same-visit dentistry is a team sport, and team buy-in is essential. Through open discussions of office goals, personal goals, and even fears of implementing CAD/CAM, you can elevate excitement within your team. The vision becomes shared versus individual, and together everyone will build upon opportunities this technology has to offer not only to patients, but to the office as a whole.

Once the team shares in your vision and understands the goals of implementing this change, it is time to motivate and educate. Certain individuals have intrinsic motivation and will gladly attend a course, whereas other, more extrinsically motivated individuals might need a little extra convincing. Team excitement feeds on itself, and learning together is a great way to appease both types!

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