Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Pearls for Your Practice: Universal composite, universal cement



G-ænial Sculpt universal composite by GC America

G-ænial Sculpt universal composite by GC America

I have a good friend who practices in the fancy-schmancy uptown area of Dallas, Texas. This particular friend is part of a group of restorative dentists who are interested in biomimetic dentistry. The idea of biomimetic dentistry is to return a tooth to functional and esthetic health with conservative and minimally invasive bonded restorations. This results in beautiful, anatomical restorations, which are often done with composite resin.

My friend has completed some beautiful cases with resin composite that my dental school education would have led me to do with indirect ceramics. I find his approach fascinating, and his work with resin composite is breathtaking. His composite of choice is G-ænial Sculpt by GC America. After using it for a few weeks, I can see why.

G-ænial Sculpt is a universal nanohybrid composite suitable for use in both the posterior and the anterior. The handling and polishability make this material a winner among the biomimetic crowd. It’s easy to shape this material and add nice anatomy.

This universal composite has some unique properties. It features nanofillers that are uniformly dispersed for excellent wear resistance and a superior polish. The polish that can be achieved with G-ænial Sculpt is so shiny that it reflects light just like enamel does. It retains that gloss well with a proprietary “self-polishing” effect. Basically, repeated tooth brushing cycles repolish the material because of the nanofiller surface treatment. That keeps the material looking glossy over time. In addition to the great polish, the material’s nanofillers also give it high strength.

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