Monday, August 14, 2017

7 tips to boost your direct-mail marketing with these simple, creative advertising tips

Jay Geier says last year, despite the digital marketing explosion, direct mail was found to have higher response rates than online advertising, and believes direct mail is an important component in any marketing campaign. He offers some simple tips to develop quality, effective marketing pieces that can be applied to other forms of advertising and marketing as well.

What’s the first thing you do when you get home from work? If you’re like me, you grab that pile of mail sitting on the counter and start shuffling ... every single piece of it. E-mails? They can wait. Mail? Must go through it. I don’t know if it’s habit, but apparently I’m not alone. Last year, despite the digital marketing explosion, direct mail was found to have higher response rates than online advertising. (1) Go figure.

So rather than jumping ship on direct mail so you can catch the digital wave, consider having a direct-mail component to your marketing campaign. You’re probably thinking: Ugh. I need a campaign? I get it. It’s not your forte. But it is essential to grow your practice, and direct mail is a great place to begin. So, let’s start with the basics.

Simple tips to create quality, effective marketing pieces

Don’t start from scratch! Hang on to your junk mail. Tear out magazine ads. Investigate the competition. Create what we call a “swipe” file or board. This is where you store your inspiration. Like what AT&T is doing? Copy it! Take advantage of the brains and budgets of large company campaigns. Creating a piece from something that already exists is so much easier than starting from scratch.

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