Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The 3 Types of Videos Your Dental Practice’s Online Presence Needs

Trends show social media platforms favoring video content more and more, but it can be difficult to know exactly what videos to make to get your practice involved. Use these three categories as guidelines to creating a well-rounded social video presence!

A viral video from your practice can put your name and team in front of hundreds of thousands of people, including ideal potential patients in your community. Video content is especially effective at helping people get to know you personally — and people like to do business with people they know. Plus, creating short, simple videos with your team is just fun! It’s a great way to strengthen unity and practice culture.

What kinds of video should you actually make with your team? That depends on the purpose you would like the video to accomplish. We’ve formulated three categories that will help you decide.


The Three Types of Videos to Create With Your Team

Evergreen video content is primarily about longer-term branding than it really is about marketing. The purpose of an evergreen video might be to introduce your team to potential patients, take a virtual tour of the practice, or share testimonials.

After uploading an evergreen video to YouTube and Facebook, you could give it a more permanent spot embedded on your practice’s website, and set as the featured video on your YouTube and Facebook pages.

The team at Lifetime Smiles helped familiarize potential patients with their practice by creating a video tour:

Campaign video content is more marketing-centric than branding-centric. Campaign videos often focus on short-term marketing awareness, highlighting practice events, charity efforts, or practice culture.

These are effective at getting patients and prospective new patients to participate, and often get great viral engagement on Facebook.

The team at Simpson Orthodontics made a video inviting fans to take the 30-Day Flossing Challenge and enter to win a prize:

Transitory video content is short-lived and meant to help you maintain top-of-mind awareness. It is often candid, funny, or related to normal day-to-day activities.

Although transitory content tends to be the most casual, don’t underestimate its potential to strengthen your online presence, especially with live streaming. Going live on Facebook or Instagram directly notifies your followers of your broadcast, giving you the opportunity to connect with them.

The team at Dr. H. Dixon Taylor Orthodontics reached thousands of people with a short video explaining different types of retainers:


Make a Video With Your Team This Week

Creating and sharing original video content on social media has become a very effective way to reach your patients and prospective new patients. Videos are highly shareable and communicate personality, helping people get to know your team and practice. Get more easy ideas for short videos in our free ebook below!

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The post The 3 Types of Videos Your Dental Practice’s Online Presence Needs appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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