Monday, August 14, 2017

Front office dental staff:

Dear Dianne,

I’ve had terrible luck finding and keeping good front desk help. It seems like everybody I hire leaves within six months of being hired. My best candidate had two small children who were sick a lot. She finally decided to just stay home. Another relocated to another city. Another person I hired came to work impaired, so I had to fire her. Can you give me any advice on how to find a keeper?

- Dr. Fred

Dear Dr. FRED,

I’m not sure where you’ve been looking, or by what criteria you’ve been making your hiring decisions, but I can share some tips that should help. First, you should realize that your front office business assistant is the most important hiring decision you will make, because this person is running your practice. Yet some dentists feel that business desk duties are “lower-level” positions, and they try to hire someone who will work for bottom dollar. As Zig Ziglar used to say, “This is ‘stinkin’ thinkin.’’ You need a high-quality person at your business desk who is dependable, organized, congenial, professional, and personally stable. After all, this person is the face of your practice. Remember, when you pay peanuts you generally get monkeys.

Make sure your ad is worded to attract qualified people.

Front Desk Assistant/Financial Coordinator. Our exceptional dental practice is looking for a person who has excellent communication skills in person and on the phone. If you are enthusiastic, caring, dependable, personally stable, and have experience with computer scheduling, insurance, and collections, please send your resumé and cover letter to (email) or fax (111) 123-4567.

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