Wednesday, August 30, 2017

This Is the Easiest Way to Create a Powerful Brand Video for Your Dental Practice

Video content makes instant connections with prospective patients by conveying your team culture better than just about anything else. Here’s how you can create a great brand video that helps new patients find you!

Different types of videos, like all other forms of social media content, excel at accomplishing different things in your practice’s social media marketing efforts. Some are great for marketing, while others are better for branding (and if you don’t know the difference between the two, make sure to read our blog post about it!). Some are designed to give people a reason to Like your page, or just make fans smile!

But content that strengthens your practice’s brand — at least the parts of it you control — pull people in by communicating your values, culture and characteristics. How does this help grow your practice? A strong brand establishes initial rapport when a visitor finds your practice on social media for the first time. A strong brand nurtures relationships and helps you maintain top-of-mind awareness, converting your patients and fans into advocates for your practice.

A short video can be a great centerpiece for building your practice’s brand online. A one-or-two-minute clip that sums up what your team is all about can be permanently pinned to the top of your social media pages, and embedded in your practice website’s “About Us” section. It’s a perfect way to give prospective patients a feel for the kind, caring, fun atmosphere you strive to maintain in your office — and that familiarity can make all the difference when it comes time to actually choose which dental practice to call.


3 Great Ideas for Brand-Boosting Videos

The videos you create specifically to be branding content should be evergreen — meaning that they need to be relevant no matter when a fan or potential patient watches them. So, you shouldn’t create brand videos centered on specific practice events, giveaways, or holidays. This isn’t to say your brand video needs to be like an infomercial about your practice, but it should focus on communicating your values and culture. Here are a few simple ideas for videos that can help you do that:

1. Getting to Know the Doc

A strong dentist-patient relationship is built through many small interactions, and videos can be a part of that. Come up with a list of five to seven questions that your practice’s doctor could answer on video to help fans get to know him or her better. For example:

  • “Why did you decide to become a dentist?”
  • “Where did you go to school?”
  • “What do you like to do in your spare time?”

You could also make more transitory videos like this with team members for a “weekly team member spotlight” post.

2. Take a Practice Tour

Some of our clients’ most successful videos have been simple tours of their practices. Take the opportunity to quickly introduce some of your team members in the office that day. Show off the unique features of your practice that allow you to provide a patient experience like no other!

The more familiar prospective patients can become with the different aspects of your practice, the more likely they will be to visit or call for an appointment.

3. Patient Reaction/Testimonial

You can tell prospective new patients how great your dental practice is as many times as you want to, but it still won’t have the impact that a personal recommendation from a friend, family member, coworker or neighbor will have.

It’s really important to remember that your patients, fans, and team members are your practice’s greatest marketing assets. They can do FAR more to help new patients find you than you could ever do by yourself.


The Video Centerpiece of Your Branding Efforts

Now that all the tools you need to create a great video are on your smartphone, there’s no reason that your dental practice can’t have the same kind of attention-grabbing, relationship-building video content that large companies have. A brand video that gives viewers a feel for your team, treatment environment, and culture will give prospective patients an impression of your practice they won’t soon forget.

Free Ebook: Getting Started With Social Video

The post This Is the Easiest Way to Create a Powerful Brand Video for Your Dental Practice appeared first on My Social Practice - Social Media Marketing For Dentists, Orthodontists, & Optometrists.

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