Monday, August 14, 2017

Review: FitStrip by Garrison, Chairside Denture Prep and Polish Kit by Zest, and Envy by EDS

FitStrip finishing and contouring strips by Garrison Dental Solutions

A rotary disc is one of the most dangerous items in a dental office. Using a rotary disc intraorally to break or adjust interproximal contacts can lead to significant damage or cause injury to the patient. Using a nonrotary device to handle these situations is important. Several nonrotary solutions are available on the market. FitStrip by Garrison Dental Solutions is a great one.

FitStrips are great for adjusting the interproximal contacts of restorations that are too tight for the patient to floss. You can also use this system for performing interproximal reduction in conjunction with traditional orthodontics or Invisalign.

One feature that sets FitStrip apart from other products is the optional handle that improves access to difficult-to-reach areas. With the handle in place, your hands don’t block the field and can stay outside the mouth. By simply twisting the colored section of the strip, you can adjust the tension in the strip to adapt it to the tooth needing adjustment. For a lower anterior tooth, a tight strip works great. However, on the distal of a maxillary molar, a little slack in the strip helps it adapt to the broader curve.

Another nice feature of these strips is that they can be autoclaved and reused. These aren’t single-use disposable items. They are durable and long-lasting, which helps the bottom line.

The FitStrip kit contains strips of multiple thicknesses - coarse, medium, fine, and superfine - all of which are available in both single- and double-sided designs. Also included is a serrated FitStrip, which works well for removing excess cement between teeth.

I used FitStrips in my practice for Invisalign-related interproximal reduction and to adjust a tight interproximal contact after a composite restoration, and I was happy with the results. Being able to add a handle made access easier, and adjusting the tightness of the strip with just a twist was simple and effective. Line-drive single to left field for Garrison Dental on FitStrips!

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